
Artist Tom Deininger

Painter Tom Deininger's work is amazing. His subject matter is incredibly diverse. Some of it is disturbing (none of those works are pictured here), some so beautiful you just can't look away. You can find his work on Etsy or at tomdeininger.com. All of his works on Etsy are priced incredibly reasonably too, only $100-$125 a painting.


  1. I feel like i'm melting when i look at his artwork. i think i like this feeling.

  2. hi again. I just got some souvenirs back from my trip to scotland and it made me think of you. My dad took me there for a father daughter thing and scotland has everything. ocean, green space, tiny towns, mountains, all the things you love. just wanted to share that with you. ok, i'm headed to the bathroom! gotta pee!!!

  3. Sara, that's very sweet of you to think of me! I'd love to see Scotland one day. Um, the rest was just TMI, but when you've got to go, you've got to go!


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