
Estate Sale Finds: The Good & The Downright Weird

From estate sales across the country this weekend and next, as found on EstateSales.net:
Wow! This sale is in Nashville, and would be worth making the drive from Chattanooga (but unfortunately I'm too broke to buy any of this fab stuff). That silk sofa, those geometric print pillows, cool lamps, and that table. O how I love this table. I don't ever recall seeing anything like it before, but I found another similar table (pic #3).
Detail of the table above, with this cute little copper snail sculpture.
I think this table was from a sale in Miami, but I can't be sure (I browsed EstateSales.net a lot tonight). I love, love, love...
Neato orange scale if you lose the plastic fruit. Miami sale.
Ok, this one is magnificently weird. You must enlarge to appreciate the full awkwardness of it. And it's right in my little ol' hometown Chattanooga. Sadly, this was the best (ok, most interesting) thing pictured in any of my local estate sales this weekend. But this sale had lots of 70's faux paneling and weird sculptures, so there could be some good stuff hidden away. Happy hunting!


  1. that couch is dope as hell ... lol, not so sure about the last one.
    it's a bit weird.

    but what a cool site - i'll have to check it out! :-)

  2. Wow - how cool is that sofa and those cushions! That painting is just bizarre.... ;)

  3. That painting is something isn't it? It is too awful yet you just cannot help but look at it. I forgot to credit my sweetie for finding that one. We could not stop laughing.

  4. Gah - giving away our vintie secrets... lol


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