
Random Pics I Love (Mine)

Although I will never claim to be any good at taking pictures, sometimes I get lucky and end up with a good shot. I will probably begin posting a "Random Pics I love" entry once a week or so. This allows me to share some of my favorite photos that I have taken over the past few years. In addition, I can do these posts quickly when I'm feeling lazy because I don't have to credit any sources. Consider yourself lucky if I provide links to anything, ha!
New Orleans on New Years Day 2006. The aftermath of Katrina was still visible everywhere. We only a saw few hundred people in Jackson Square and the French Quarter in the morning and afternoon. Apparently it was quite the party on New Years Eve though (our train was 7 hours late and we didn't arrive until 2 a.m. New Years day, although we did see many revelers still on the street during our walk from the train station to our hotel). I love this city and her people, and I cannot wait to go back and see how the rebuilding is progressing.
Fort Worth Zoo, summer 2005. I ran out of color film in my "real" camera (my old Pentax PZ-20), but I had a roll of black and white and had fun taking some art-y shots. I was trying to capture a little green Anole lizard, but what I love about this pic is actually the grasses behind the fence. Click to englarge and try to find the little anole on the fence post.
July 2004 in Homestead, Tennessee (just outside Crossville). This Texaco sign sat outside an old antique store for years. Sadly, the store has been torn down to widen Highway 127 - a ridiculous and unnecessary move, as there isn't enough traffic on this stretch of highway to warrant the road project. Wonder where this sign is now...
This pic has more of an impact when viewed full screen (click to enlarge). Taken about 3 weeks ago of Coolidge Park in Chattanooga, Tennessee. There must be an artist lurking in the parks and rec department who goes around each day and artfully arranges the benches and chairs. The paved circle, only partially seen in this pic, is a symbol to represent where one of the city's largest and oldest trees stood up until last year. After it was struck by lightning and had to be removed, the city gave the wood to local artists to use to create sculptures, turn bowls, etc. I thought that, as well as paving the tree shaped path, was pretty neat.
You knew there would be an animal pic, right? There always is. I took this pic of my pup Molly from my deck the day I bought my current digital camera. The vivid color of the grass faded a bit in my upload, but I still love the shadowing of the deck rails. I don't even mind much that I look like a bohemeth in my old lady elastic-waisted cotton painting shorts. I do wish I had been wearing a svelte little dress and had a siren silhouette, but this was taken on the fly. Plus, I'm just not clever enough to have thought of it.


  1. love the first picture!

    can't wait to visit new orleans - it looks very charming and quaint.

    .. and you're darling molly is adorable, basking in the sunshine.

  2. Love the park and the interesting story behind the tree. Keep sharing!

  3. These are great pictures!! Fun and colorful!!

  4. I love all the pics! I guess you get lucky alot.... with the camera you perve!!!

  5. Thank you all so much for your kind words about my photos! I took the old Pentax SLR to the mountains today, but because I'm an impatient girl, the little digital also came along for the ride (ah, the age of instant gratification).

  6. These are beautiful. I agree about the park! Can't wait to see more.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!