
Savannah on St. Paddy's

I have a killer work schedule for the rest of this week, but as a good Irish lass I couldn't miss wishing everyone a happy St. Patrick's Day. I wish I was in Savannah today, where everything goes green....

Pics via Flickr and the web. Happy green day everyone!


  1. Looks like a crowd full of good Irish fun! From another Irish lass to another, have a great St Paddy's Day!

  2. that does look like fun!
    i was i had a green wig - i would rock that out for sure (even on regular days!)

  3. i wih i could dye my cat green. regardless if it were st pattys day or not

  4. I wish I had a goat to dye green!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!