
Peep Show

Love them or hate them, one has to appreciate Peeps - the sugary little treats that have become an Easter icon. For your peeping pleasure, here are a truckload of my favorite Peeps images. The Eames Peeps above found via flickr user ihveissues. And for more great Peeps, be sure to visit K at Blog Goggles. K is one of MY coolest peeps (Yes I'm too silly, but seriously - go there!). Rainbow army of Peeps below via flickr user psilver.

Peeps Show via flickr (user forgotten - so sorry!)
Peep hot chocolate from ohdeedoh.com
The following are images from the Washington Post of the second annual Peep Diorama Contest (link courtesy of 30gms.com).

And to think our parents told us not to play with our food.


  1. ah the peeps in the eames chair is adorkable!!!

    yes email me your post. i will post it when you are completely satisfied and finished with it.

  2. and thank you for the kind thoughts. lets hope tomorrow will be better. if not, i have an unopened bottle of booze in my freezer.

  3. this post is excellent!

    i love the woodstock & black/white iconic photos!!!

    you are hysterical.
    GREAT post!

  4. I've never heard of them - they're gorgeous!
    I have that woodstock poster and even blogged about it recently lol

  5. Ahh these are all adorable, I've never heard of them before. This could be because I'm from England or because I'm just not down with Easter-related icons...whatever the reason I'm glad to be finally introduced. They are sooo cute!

  6. oh I miss peeps! You can get them in Australia...

  7. OMG!! i sooo love this post!! can't even decide which is my favorite pic.....

  8. i don't want to EAT them, but i like looking at them! this post is SO CUTE!!!

  9. These are so awesome. I love peeps, but have yet to get some this year. I should before they go away until next spring! I love the peep hot chocolate and the poster. So sweet.

  10. Love them in the Eames chair too!
    Our local library had a "peep show"
    designer bird house competition... there was a cute peeps house in the mix...they are like Hello Kitty..so easy to project our emotions/character traits on to...

  11. Haha, you are one of my favorite peeps, too! I'm adding a link to your post right now :)

    P.S. That Elvis is too adorable.

  12. Loved the Peep Show! I had to come and follow you simply because of your blog's name. I love renovation, but my husband is a 'I want it all new guy.' We are doing our own finishing of our house. How come it takes so long to do your own place? Come visit sometime.


  13. You need to see this: http://www.f-oxymoron.com/?p=1534

  14. Lilu, Peeps Kabobs sound fantastic! And I don't even eat them (not fond of the gritty sugar texture). Although, I would definitely eat a Peep Kabob roasted over a campfire, or even better a Peep S'more!

    Do my friends outside of the US know what S'mores are? Roast a marshmallow over a fire, place on a graham cracker, top with a small square of chocolate (traditionally Hershey's), top with another graham cracker. It gets all melty and gooey and messy and is delicious!


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