
Random Pretty Pretty Things

Oh how I wanted my last post before vacation to be an in depth analysis of a beautiful design movement, but alas I ran out of time. However, I will leave you with some Florida images and handmade garments that make me happy. The first four photos are of St. Augustine, via flickr. I'm so excited to be hanging out in this old city tomorrow.

Photograph taken by Toni Frisell at Weeki Wachi Spring in 1947 (via Glamoursplash.) The natural springs of Florida are something you simply must see at some time in your life.
And because I'm feeling girlie and not too happy with my wardrobe right now, a couple of my Etsy favorites. Don't you just love this handbag from oktak? I really, really want it. I'll bet you do to.

I could be so mysterious and sophisticated in this hat by sanchia845.
And I'll leave you with this incredible White Dahlia gown from joanshum. Have a lovely week everyone!


  1. have a wonderful time!!!

    take lots of pictures :-)

  2. Have fun and be safe! That lizzard/gator pic is unreal!

  3. Beautiful randomness! Have a lovely holiday :)

  4. I totally envy you being in that beautiful city! Have a great time..love the hat too!

  5. the gator and the wedding dress, absolute perfection. when are we going to see pics of your wedding plans???

  6. DUDE!!! loving shots 1, 2 & 4. LOVING THEM!!!!

  7. The first 5 photos knock my socks off! Have a fab vaca.

  8. have a great weekend. i really really love the first one. it kind of reminds me of an english cottage and i'm pretty fond of those!

  9. I adore those windows. Beautiful.

  10. Gorgeous! Wouldn't it be great to wear that white dress to work or something? I'd definately get some stares.
    But the hat, I'm sure I could pull off. If I was an undercover agent.
    mmm...etsy shopping, will check it out right now.

  11. All of the pictures are lovely, but I'm really quite smitten with the first one!

  12. OKTAK purses! you have just introduced me to my next obsession....will I get he black and white version or that cute little blue number on the "other" catagory??? AHHH

  13. I love those old rustic, paint worn look! Is that a Komeda Dragon??
    I am in love with that hat and handbag..
    Have a Super Time!! I just came across this blog...and I must say..its awesome!!

  14. okay.....the crocodile on the steps scared me....embarrassing, but true.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!