
Secret Cul de Sac

The serigraph below, "Secret Cul de Sac" goes on sale this morning at 10 a.m. at Shagmart. It is fantastic. Oh to live inside of this image, if only for a day. I want to tease my hair into a pretty coiffure circa 1960, don a lovely patio dress, and break out the croquet set. My town is nestled in the foothills of the Appalachians - very few yards in my area are flat enough to play croquet. (Not that I, my family, and friends haven't tried to play on many a hill - it makes for a challenging game!). Be sure to click the image to enlarge, so that you may see the full mid-century goodness of this print.
An older item from Shagmart: the "My First Cocktail" lunchbox. Too funny! As 11 year olds, my friend Shannon and I drank an entire bottle of grape Juicy Juice and thought we were drunk. I still to this day wonder if that juice had fermented. We were crazy-silly that night.


  1. HA! After living in the mountains of NC, I can attest that playing croquet was not hot on our list either!

  2. Oh my lord... I am GETTING that lunch box if it's the last thing I do!

  3. i saw this artist's work a year or so ago at the laguna art museum (i think that is the name?). you would have LOVED it -- there were about 30 of his paintings up in all of their glory!

  4. Love Shag! Can't believe I didn't know about this new work, so thanks for sharing. I wish I could own some of his stuff to properly hang on my walls, instead of just stationery and coasters and such. *Sigh*

  5. Thanks for finding this! I did a whole post on it today, forgot to credit you, then just now went back and righted that wrong! I love Shag!

  6. Haha, those lunchboxes are amazing.

    And I'm sorry about the peeps! I think there can never be enough, so I'd love to see it :)

  7. that lunch box is wicked!!! take me with you, we could an afternoon of it.

  8. i just realize i'm not on you i like blog list. i'm not going to say i'm hurt.

  9. hey!!! i was wondering if you would like to guest blog on my blog??? i was thinking of doing a guest blogger every week. you can talk about anything you want, really. i was thinking of favorite home accessory or something. ya know, art, vases, men, etc. you can had a link to your super cute store. i was going to have a guest blogger every week. let me know if you want to do this!!

  10. Awesome Sara, I would love to be a guest blogger! I feel so honored that you asked me to!

  11. aww, that lunchbox is too cute!

  12. Shag is really good! He has a lot of cool ideas that I dig. There are very few who really capture the MCM illustrated life style well. Another one that I like is www.derekart.com. He's cool as well.


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