
Vintage Fortune Magazine Covers

Incredible mid-century Fortune Magazine covers. The first two are Charley Harper-esque, but I'm not sure if Harper ever contributed artwork to Fortune.

via ffffound


  1. WHAT?!?!??!!??!?! N O W A Y!!!! i am having a tough time believe that fortune magazine was ever COOL and you are proving me wrong. at least the covers were cool. i am sure they had the same lame message in side, but i am gaga for these covers!

  2. I know drollgirl, I thought the same thing! What the hell happened to Fortune?

  3. The graphic designer in me screams in envy...

  4. Those are SO cool. I'm in love with the second ones colors.

  5. Perhaps we ned to sign a petition to bring back great covers on fortune! I rarely see it, maybe energy best spent else where ...so cool thoughthe last one is my fave!

  6. Wow...Fortune did go super lame. These are incredible!!!

  7. when was fortune ever cool?? these covers are wicked though. i thought the homer tat was funny!! you know she's s stripper or something, can yo imagine going down there and seeing homeer


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