
Grass Valley

Every once in a while as I am searching the various real estate sites on the web (I can make the excuse to myself that it's "research" for work), I happen upon a town whose name calls me to investigate the area further. A couple of weeks ago I happened upon a home in Grass Valley, a small city in Nevada County in Northern California. I think to myself, "Grass Valley must be a lovely place". See for yourself:
This is the home I found on Historic Properties (although the listing is no longer there, so I found 21 pictures of it on Realtor.com).
I would love to restore this beauty. A "bargain" at only $889,000.
Or I could build a little cabin on hundreds of acres and become a cowgirl. Perhaps if I win the lottery some day...

The State Park, which used to be a mine.
The Yuba River.
The Nevada County Fair.
The town.

The tallest dog in the world according to the Guinness Book of World Records (no kidding).

I want to go to there...

Photos 2,3,and 4 via realtor.com. All others via flickr.


  1. Now I would definitely love to renovate that rock house! Somehow, I think it would be like opening a can of worms! The town looks sleepy and perfect...shopping at the Bonanza market.

  2. What cool places! I have a friend who works raft guides on the Yuba river. Pretty place. No rush on the tag by the way. I know how busy you are! Have a great weekend! xox

  3. Love that Victorian house in photo #2! I could live there. There'd even be enough space for all my stuff. :]

  4. I agree with alicia...old homes are so beautiful but I am so hesitant because there is no telling what will need done! I am checking out this house this weekend:

    ...I want it but Lord only knows if I have the guts!

  5. Cool town... lovin' the Main Street vibe!!!

    Jules @ Lovely Las Vegas

  6. I love every one of your pics posted! I love old houses, but boy, they can eat money the way vacuum sweepers eat dirt. If a couple can do a lot of the work, it helps, but then that is time consuming. The character of the old homes cannot be matched. Even though I do not have the energy I used to have, I would still love to have one!

    I love your blog! And thanks for stopping by mine.

    Have a wonderful evening!

  7. I love these photographs!! Thank you for finding this amazing place! I almost feel like taking a trip just to see all of these fabulous places!

  8. this is crazy! my bf's parents live there and we are supposed to go visit in november. i have not been there before, but it looks rather pretty!

  9. oh this is wonderful! sometimes I will spend hours on the web looking at old houses for sale... sigh, a girl can dream...

  10. That place looks so awesome, I gotta get my buns to states...there are so many beautiful states and little towns that I fall in love with.
    I want to one day live in the middle of the woods, in like a log cabin style house. I've always wanted to have a glassed or screened dining room so while I eat, I can gaze into the beauty of the forest and look at all the creatures....sigh....my dream!

  11. This place looks wonderful! Can I come with you?

  12. My parents used to own a ranch there back before I came along..oh probably in the 40s and 50s. I've been through there and it is beautiful country.

  13. I moved to Grass Valley in July and it is beyond my wildest imagination. I posted about it on my blog (link below) where did you get these lovely photos? I might have to borrow some someday.



Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!