
I love these paintings, to be on exhibit in Laguna at Sue Greenwood Fine Art. The first one has such an Edward Hopper feeling about it. Found at Tales from the Loft. This blogger has a great description of the first painting: "Down the street at Sue Greenwood, Sally Storch’s work is being featured. Her paintings remind me of Julianne Moore’s 50s-genre movies — Technicolor on the surface but simmering with emotional turmoil underneath."

Sally Storch, “Party Dress”

The second painting is by Francis Livingston. I could look at this painting for hours and hours. Also, it makes me want to go an old-timey amusement park.

Francis Livingston, “Mosaic”

How I wish I were in southern California and could see this exhibit!


  1. Beautiful paintings. Hey, I totally forgot this bar set was yours. I already made the correction in my blog to give you the credit. Sorry! Thanks for your comment about my trees. See ya !

  2. I love that house painting. I just went to a show where the artist did a series of house paintings and they were so cool. There's just something about them that keeps your wheels turning and imagining what happened in that house, what history is behind it...Thanks for sharing!

  3. oh, i love edward hopper, and these look gorgeous, too!!!!

  4. I love these paintings! The first one reminds me of Hopper's work. The second one reminds me of my childhood; going to amusement parks and carnivals with my dad. Beautiful art! Thanks for sharing.

  5. wow, these are gorgeous. i love that although they're clear and you can tell lots of detail, they are still very 'painterly'.

  6. pretty. i love the artists you feature. yea i admit i am jealous. i really like your posts.

  7. The Ferris Wheel stirs up so many childhood memories!

  8. Beautiful and I love the colours!

  9. I really like the first picture...so retro and of a time gone by. We always think it was boring back then, but I sure would like to turn back the clock to then. Love the light.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!