
Sneezing Baby Panda

Wow, I'm having a crazy morning! My mac powerbook won't power up this morning (eek!), and I feel as though I've lost a limb. I have an award that I need to pass on later today, and I promise some pretty posts when I can find a few minutes this week. For now, you get a cute video to start your day. I just had to post this charming short that I found on Crazy Cat, a sweet blog dedicated to one family's animal rescue efforts. Oh, and this video is dedicated to drollgirl, who has probably already seen it but I'm sure she could watch it a hundred times...

I'm off to start the work day. Keeping my fingers crossed that my tech boy (the fiance) can fix my powerbook, arghhhh. I hope you all have a lovely day!


  1. Sorry you're having a rough day! This is one of my all-time favorite videos. I think it makes everything better.

  2. I love this video! I think I've watched it a 100 times, its so freaking cute. I'm glad you posted it today, because I need a little pick me up. I just called into jury duty!! uuuuughhh

  3. This is the funniest/cutest video ever...awww...pandas!

  4. you are so sweet!! and i love all things PANDA!!! :)

    and i hope your man is able to fix all and save the day!

  5. Thank you so much for your comment!! that was very sweet, and i all ready saw that the panda video cheered a lot of people on your blog, who doesnt loves sneezing pandas !and also thank you that you mentioned the blog, have a great great great week!! ayou are very welcomed in Crazy Cat any time!!

  6. Must have been a Monday weird day! Everything wouldn't fall into place so I just crawled back in bed! Here's to Tuesday!

  7. my macbook took a turn for the worse as well this week! maybe there is a strain of the swine flu going around apple products... hope your fiance can fix it, mine is at the 5th ave. store being worked on as i type :(

  8. that is def one of the best clips ever! the noise it makes! so sweet! and the look on the mum's face - classic! x

  9. My husband found that panda video for me a while back, and we watched it over and over, tears of laughter streaming down our faces. It actually reminds me of how our daughter sneezes.

  10. aaaaaaw - so cute and funny!

    Hope your mac got fixed - computer trouble is the worst!

  11. hahahaha, that is too funny! mama panda was definitely taken off guard.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!