
Super 8

I'm hopeful that my Dad still has his old Super 8. I would love to film our wedding week on the island, but it would mean so much more if I used his old camera...

First image via ffffound.  All others from flickr.


  1. what a gorgeous camera!
    the wedding is next week?!


    thanks for the condolences. i appreciate it.

  2. What a fantastic idea! You should try to find one. A brownie would be great as well for wedding shots. Can't wait to see what you come up with!!

  3. Cassaundra, the wedding isn't until July. And boy will it be hot... (though hopefully no hurricanes).

    Love your idea The Wanderer's Daughter. It may be a task to find a working Brownie, but how cool would that be?!

  4. i hope so too!!! that would be so cool, and hopefully he could do the taping during the festivities!!

  5. That camera is fabulous...as are these images. A wedding shot like that would be brilliant, I'd love to see the pictures!

  6. This is such a good idea! Wish I'd have thought of it...

  7. Forgot to mention, I think it was on A Cup of Jo where I first read about this idea (so I cannot take credit for being original - I just think it's a cool idea).

  8. An Awesome idea!!! What more of an original way to film your wedding, and on a beautiful island at that!!

  9. What a great idea - love super 8 cameras. I wish I did that for my wedding!

    Btw, I tagged you on my blog, hope you won't mind. It's a quick and fun one! XOXO

  10. That would be so cool, ans special, and will give the video that special look!! i think your job its so great, there are a lot of old houses over here that need that kind of job,saludos from mexico!!



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