

If you haven't seen superbomba's flickr collection of found photos referenced on A Cup of Jo, Etsy's Storque, or elsewhere, you simply must check it out. The collection has some unbelievably cool images. They make me want to go swimming, caravaning 'round the country, hang out in a dive bar and drink cheap beer, go hiking in Utah, and eat cotton candy at a small town carnival.

Happy Friday everyone! What are you doing this weekend? I'm too tired to think about my plans yet - it's been a long week of laying, sanding, and finishing floors, and climbing up and down a ladder to paint the exterior of a house! Sunday may include a wine and cheese tasting event at my local weekend market with my family-in-law-to-be. And there will definitely be a call to my Mom, who is so far away...


  1. Cheese and wine sound good right now. Well, actually, that sounds good to me all the time :) Those photos are amazing and so fun to look through. I could spend hours! I sent your darling tree out this afternoon. Happy weekend!

  2. Just think...with all that climbing, sanding and painting...you don't have to pay to join a gym! Hope your weekend is full of laughter and great memories!

  3. these pics are fabulous!!! and i hope you get some rest and have some fun this weekend.

    and i hope you bring lots of weaponry when you camp. we don't want you getting chomped on or going missing. :)

  4. my goodness, I want to be that woman sleeping peacefully behind her caravan. sigh.
    I'm having unexpected house guests, so I'll be cleaning, cooking and entertaining for the next two days. and I was so looking forward to snoozing behind my own caravan:) xoxo

  5. I love your blog and have passed the lemonade award to you
    X Much Love X

  6. I love supabomba's photos too...I've spent lots of time cruising through those great vintage photos!!!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!