
Monday Modern: Poolside, Hillside, and Spaceage

Modern homes via ffffound.

Thanks to everyone for your kind words and well-wishes while I was away! My Dad is doing better (not great, but he's out of the hospital, up and about). I didn't have any free time for blogging last week, so I'm sure it will take me about a week to catch up on what everyone has been doing. I missed you all while I was gone, and your comments really cheered me during this difficult week!

Oh, and a special shout out to my girl Kathleen, who just got married! Congrats girlie!


I love these things...

Although I have been very careful with money this year, from time to time I see something I cannot live without. A few of my favorite 2009 purchases:
Please ignore the color of my walls in this photo. They aren't really this lilac. I found this piece at a thrift shop right down the road from me for $45. A steal! It's made by the British company Beaver & Tapley, is in amazing condition, and the quality if construction is outstanding. I can't help but wonder if there was a companion piece at some time, as the tag reads "multi-width", and the company makes modular furniture. The "legs" are actually one of the speaker stands that my grandfather made for the 1950's JBL speakers that my grandparents passed down to me (one of my most prized possessions!). When the cabinet is on the floor, the fold down desk is too low. So there must have been a base for it that was separated from the unit at some point. I like the speaker stand as a base though. What do you think?
Oh, that wood grain, the dovetail joinery, the attention to details such as the bakelite handle (my close-up pics of the handle weren't good, darn it). The desk/storage area is perfect for my partially completed little wooden animals that are components of mixed media pieces I'm making for my will-it-ever-be-opened (?) Etsy handmade shop.
I love these cards by the amazingly talented Tina Tarnoff. Tina is one of my most absolute favorite people that I have met through blogging and Etsy! I bought this lovely set of cards to use as wedding thank-you's. Tina's papercuts and original paintings are just divine!
When I saw this little gold tree from Hello Victory, I had to have it! The tiny leaves move with any little breeze. I kept it in front of an open window so that I could watch the leaves "dance" (until it got too hot for open windows - summer came early!).
The Boy and I found this pristine fleur-de-lis chenille bedspread at an estate sale, and had planned on putting it up for sale in the Etsy shop. However, when I made the guest bed for pictures, we fell in love with it! It works beautifully with The Boy's grandparents' bedroom suite, the Eames-style storage unit that my talented boy made, the Conant Ball side table, The Boy's Kerouac collection...
Sorry these photos are a little dark. I really wouldn't have thought this to be my style, but when it all came together, I just loved it.
"Happiest Day of my Life" mixed media work by Lisa Bartlett. Lisa's story behind the painting goes: 'I went to a jumble sale where lo and behold the girls there were throwing away a bunch of stuff. One thing was a box of old photos. The photos date from the late 1800's to the 1960's. In the box there is a photo of a young girl in a very drab setting but on the back of the photo in pencil it is written "to Uncle Smith- Feb. 9 - - this is one of the happiest days of my life."
Soooo, I have been obsessed with piecing the lives of the "Smith Family" back together. Through my art I am able to create new reasons for it being "the happiest day of her life".'
Lisa's painting is currently displayed in a grouping with the 1930's GE fan that The Boy bought years ago for $5 and restored, and an early 1960's Polaroid camera that is supposed to be in the shop but The Boy can't bring himself to part with.


Molly & Dodge: A June Day at Play

Dodge yawn (I love this photo - it looks like he's laughing)...
At play:

Molly happily wallows...
Busted! (The evidence: dirty nose from digging)...
It was a good day for all.


I Want Her Hair

I l-o-v-e this model's hair. Oh, and don't you just adore the lingerie by Hopeless?



I happened upon this image and when I read the photographer's description, I immediately knew that I just had to share:

"With so many of my friends getting engaged, I've had to fight back nausea at the thought of getting hitched within the next few years. Instead, I've chosen to do a little backwards mapping. My hope is that this lovely round number will be painted on my birthday cake in chocolate mouse buttercream curcli-Q's before I seriously entertain the thought of sauntering down the aisle with a member of the male species. Plus, the green tile is vaguely 70's era and looks like the bottom of a retirement community swimming pool. Maybe I'll shoot for a geriatric wedding."

This image was uploaded in 2005, so one wonders where Barefoot Hermes stands on this issue now? I never could have imagined myself married in my 20's either. Now that I'm firmly ensconced in my 30's, I suppose I've softened a bit. Now I love the idea of being married.


Monday Modern Teaser

I could live here...
Photo source forgotten - sorry! Does anyone know where this came from?


Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

(Note the look of disapproval from the woman behind him). Get well soon, I want to see you big and strong and silly like this! I love you Dad...

P.S. Not be overshadowed - Happy Birthday to my sister J! She wouldn't be too happy if I posted a pic of her, but take my word for it: she got the all of the talent, the drive, and the good hair!


On my way to Texas...

I spent half of yesterday preparing some posts to run while I'm gone so that you guys won't forget about me. All happy stuff, I promise!

As I've already mentioned, tomorrow (at the ugly hour of 5:30 a.m.) I fly to Dallas/Ft. Worth, then I'll head down to the cute little old town of Granbury, where my parents moved last year. I took these pics on last summer's exploratory trip before my parents' move. It's a cute little town, feels kind of "old west" to me. The property below is sited on the Brazos river (therefore worth a ton of money), and a large retirement complex is being built right behind this. However, I think it's really cool that the developers have saved the old building and sign.
I've seen a number of fences like this around town (this one stands behind the restored train depot). I'm not sure the significance of the design, but I haven't seen it outside of Granbury.
Cute tiny home-turned-shop in a downtown neighborhood (across the street from the beautiful new city park/beach on Lake Granbury, complete with palm trees).
I dig this building and signage.
License plate collection inside of Grump's - a Granbury institution. This place seems to be packed at all hours of the day. Grumps serves up some of the best burgers and chicken sandwiches around. Oh, and they make these fried jalapeno slices that are worth throwing any diet out the window for (at least for one meal...)
Merle's Gun Shop, right next to Grump's.
And while we're on the subject of guns, a local shop on the square displayed this cow-hide and leather chaise lounge with hidden gun rack. Just what every wealthy rancher needs.
I really, really want to restore this little Victorian cottage. It is in need of saving before it is beyond repair. Sadly, it's not for sale.
I found some really charming & unique architectural features and exterior paint colors in the downtown neighborhoods.
A detail of the cottage in the picture above. The odd brickwork on the Craftsman-style columns was really fun with the lavender and purple paint.
A 50's rancher with more unusual brick work.
Fun use of pastels, particularly on the porch railing. I'm usually not into all of the gingerbread unless a home is true Victorian-era, but in this little town it works.
This OLD stone home outside of town has a windmill in the side yard, and is on the National Historic Register. What you don't see in the picture is a bunch of junked cars and a clothes line. Interesting...
Granbury has a cute traditional town square, with the courthouse right in the middle. This is the old Opera House.
The "Nutt" House Hotel. Sadly, the old Nutt House building was vacant the last that I heard. I'd love to see this turned into lofts. Can you imagine "living in the Nutt House" (haha)?
Thank you all once again for all of your kind words of encouragement about my Dad! I am truly touched beyond words. If his condition continues to improve, my Dad should be released from the hospital today. Some of my father's test results came back with surprisingly positive results, though his COPD (pulmonary disease) is something that he will continue to struggle with. We are so relieved that the doctors have not been able to find any signs of the dreaded "C" word (I cannot even bring myself to say it or write it). I plan on spending lots of time with Dad & the rest of the family, finishing some painting projects for my parents, and perhaps I will even get a chance for some fun time with my darling nephews in Arlington. Have a great week everyone!




I stumbled upon Tina Manthorpe's photo stream, and became immersed in her "Reflections" collection. Tina captures reflections in streams, rivers, pools, lakes, broken glass, greenhouses, windows, and any other reflective surface one can imagine. I find her images to be very calming...