
Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

(Note the look of disapproval from the woman behind him). Get well soon, I want to see you big and strong and silly like this! I love you Dad...

P.S. Not be overshadowed - Happy Birthday to my sister J! She wouldn't be too happy if I posted a pic of her, but take my word for it: she got the all of the talent, the drive, and the good hair!


  1. What a handsome dad you have! He looks like the best dad ever. Here's hoping he will be back to 100% really soon. Happy Father's Day to your dad!

    I'll be back a bit later to comment on the previous post, hun.

    Take care of yourself, and have a wonderful day! xoxo

  2. I hope your dad gets better soon he looks like a fun guy! I am on my way to see mine now and it's his birthday too so he gets double cards and double presents.

  3. What a cool guys! Love the womans face in the back. CLEARLY not too keen on whats going on. Hehe.

  4. I agree with Sixpence, he sure is a good looking dad! Hope he gets better & healthier each day dear...

  5. awww i hope your father gets well and happy birthday to your sister!

  6. that woman's face behind your dad is cracking me up!!!

  7. Fun pics of your dad and happy b-day to your sister! That lady behind you is so funny! Her team must have been losing...

  8. Aww, these are so cute! Happy father's day!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!