
LIFE Weddings

As promised, a previously scheduled post while I'm on vacation! Today is the big day, eek!

Do you guys ever get tired of LIFE ? (we both know that know I don't)

P.S. doesn't the beautiful bride in pic #3 look like Christina?


  1. Congratulations & best wishes!!! Looking forward to seeing some of YOUR wedding pictures when you return.

  2. Never ever get tired of LIFE. These photos make me feel like I'm 10 again. Adore them all.
    Hope your not reading this & enjoying your holiday?!!

  3. I have passed you the 'Blog Love' award because i think your blog is so fabulous! you can see it on my blog, post it and pass it on to some blogs that you love. Hope you have an amazing vacation x

  4. ohmylordabove i hope you are having the best day ever MRS!!! i can't wait to hear about it, but i hope you enjoy yourself IMMENSELY in the meantime!!! ;)

  5. congratulations! enjoy the big day :-)

  6. Congratulations! Do we get to see some photos with you in them?

  7. CONGRATS Lady!!!! I'm sooo happy for you! Can't wait to hear about it. Enjoy your vacation and your new hub-man!!! Congrats again!!!!!!!

  8. CONGRATS Lady!!! I am so very happy for you. It came so fast didn't it? And boom..its over..haha. I hope it was grand and the best day ever. I want to hear all about it.
    Have a Grand Vacation with your new hub-man. Congrats again!

  9. oh my goodness, how funny! it does kind of look like me but i think she's prettier...you're too sweet.

  10. Congratulations!!!

    Christina really IS SO BEAUTIFUL!! :)

  11. Best wishes to you both!! Can't wait to see pictures when you return!!

  12. Can't wait to see your pics... I know you were a beautiful bride.

    Congratulations!!! xoxo

  13. Congrats!!! I bet you were just as gorgeous as Jackie!

  14. So sorry i missed your big day! Hope you had an AMAZING time of your life. I would love to see pics!!?


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