
Picasso:Drawing With Light

Classics from the LIFE archives.

"LIFE photographer Gjon Mili visited Picasso in 1949. Mili showed the artist some of his photographs of ice skaters with tiny lights affixed to their skates jumping in the dark—and Picasso's mind began to race. The series of photographs that follows—Picasso’s light drawings—were made with a small flashlight in a dark room; the images vanished almost as soon as they were created."

Photo: Gjon Mili/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

Photos taken on Jan 01, 1949


  1. Absolutely amazing! Wow, this is what I love about blogs, the stuff you learn! THanks for sharing this with us!

  2. these are so cool. when i was in france we went to a little town where he lived for awhile and they had a museum of just his works. truly brillant!

  3. I've always loved that photo of Picasso drawing a centaur with light. He was truly a master of the gesture.

  4. I love watching genius in action...isn't LIFE the best! Love this post!! ~XO*

  5. Now THESE I really like! Thanks for sharing.

  6. These are among my favorites.
    My folks have some of these in the hallway. So fun/inspirational.

  7. That is truly amazing...the mind of a true artist!

  8. How wonderful! Picasso masterpieces that vanished as soon as he creted them - that kind of makes me sad! :)

    p.s. I've been neglecting your blog as 've been so busy lately, but I'm back!! xoxo

  9. those are just incredible and something I didn't know had ever been done. Wasn't he a genius?


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