

Great vintage roller skating ephemera via flickr (so sorry, specific search/user link forgotten!). When I was but a wee girl, I would skate whenever and wherever possible. In the winter I just bundled up in the heavy coat and headed out (even amidst snow flurries) or practiced my "moves" in the garage to ABBA or Disco Duck cassettes.


  1. Ha yes!! I was a roller skatin fool thanks to Carosel Skate Rink (wichita, ks) and my fathers love for disco roller skating moves....lol. we could break it down.

  2. Yesssssssss. Blast from the past! I loved roller skating! Remember the couple skate? Ah ha ha ha

  3. ooooo...those are awesome!! Roller rinks were the best. I only went a couple times when I was a kid and I remember them being quite magical.

  4. these are so cool!

    i was a crap skater as a kid, so i am sure i would be a crap skater as an adult!

    but no matter -- as these are so frigging cool!

  5. OMG, love this! I loved skating, especially ice. I thought I was "it" wearing my skaters skirt & my white skates. The skates were from Sears & my skirt was home made but I held my head high! I would still love to skate to ABBA!!! Great post :D deb

  6. I loved to roller skate! Disco Ducks..that gave me a blurt out laugh!

  7. Gosh, roller skating brings back memories. I was pretty darn good at it at one time. I remember the rink I used to frequent almost every night during the summer - great memories.

    How's your week going? Hope you have had a chance to rest up.


  8. these are so fun! i haven't been skating in forever but i'm sure i'd bust my butt in two seconds.


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