
Etsy says I love you

Photographs above and below from bomobob.
String art from ArtZodiac. One word: awesome.
"You are all I need" from Roll & Tumble Press
The sweetest vintage embroidery from Happy Day Vintage.
"You and Me" letterpress blocks from Hello Victory.
Love letters from petitbrocante

Perhaps my feel-good love post was inspired by the weather, which has been sublime for the past couple of days. The air has cooled a bit and the humidity dropped, giving us a teaser of those late September mornings and evenings. I'm so excited that we started painting our kitchen/dining room this weekend, the beginning of our efforts to "de-brown" our house (more on that in a later post). However, I am a little disappointed that I'll be missing the beautiful weather because I'm stuck inside painting. I have no patience this time of year because I'm so ready for the warm day/cool night combo when swimming is still a possibility, but evenings are sweater weather. Oh, and I'm ready for boots. Bring on fall...


  1. Ahhhh, Autumn! Love your LOVE pics from Etsy - great finds, all of them. And yes, the weather is finally coming to be what it should be - fall. Lovely!

  2. I really like the block letters with love...so great for any room! Good Etsy finds. Where did the summer go? Ready for fall, too!!

  3. awww....thse are so cute..someone's got some love bug going on..

    our weather here has finally cooled down with a touch of hurricane bill...luckily cause it's been so hard to sleep at night with the intense heat.

  4. How sweet! I love them all, and want them all. Just love letter words.

    Happy Monday!
    Have a wonderful week sweet lady!


  5. Love your 'Loves' but I'm not with you on the Fall just yet... I'm adoring the summer way too much. :)

    Wishing you a great new week!xo

  6. Just LOVE this post! Thank you so much for including our "I love you" picture! We just adore your blog and delighted to be a part of it! And btw...Happy Anniversary! All the best, Dana and Stacey

  7. Aw, glad you're in a good mood! These are some lovely images :)

    Sorry that was super cheesy!

  8. what an uplifting post! i really like that embroidered piece, it's so detailed.

  9. LOVing these finds!! (I'm in love with the embroidered piece, too!)

  10. lovely "love" finds! i love the scrabble board the most! ;)

  11. Oh CC huge jealousy here. I was just thinking how I am weary of the brutal hot weather. This morning as I was dripping in sweat from weed wacking, mowing & blowing...ugh!!! I agree bring on the boots. Really "love" this post. Great, great finds. Best of luck painting, I swear I could do it with my eyes closed. Can't wait for pic's :D xx deb

  12. Thanks for including my blocks! You rock girl. Although I am excited for boots, I want summer for a few more weeks!

  13. Awww - those are so sweet! How are you dear one?


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!