
Mad Men Spotlight: Betty Draper

Like many of you, I'm anxiously awaiting the season premiere of Mad Men on August 16. Leading up to the premiere, I will be featuring the women of Mad Men. Whether you're a Betty, a Joan, or a Peggy, or if you just have an appreciation for mid-century fashion and design, join me in the countdown to the season premiere of best drama series on television. Some of my favorite Betty looks:
Great glamorous look (above), via instyle.com. Perfect makeup (below) via blogs.amctv.com.
I really wish I had the arse to wear riding pants. I love this classic look. Via madmen.wordpress.com.
Perfect polka-dot party dress via blogs.amctv.com.
The cutest day dress via courant.com.
Check out the Betty Crocker Hostess Cookbook. My dream job: to be a set designer for Mad Men. Via courant.com
Somber Betty, via blogs.amctv.com.
Another lovely day dress, via rdjour.com. Love Betty's hair here.
Elegant in evening wear, via thelavenderlily.blogspot.com.
Betty has a dark side, via mediumcrazy.wordpress.com.
Stay tuned for Peggy and Joan features later this week!


  1. I am the only person on this planet that has not seen MM! I would likely have an asthma attack over the fashions & sets; so as soon as I set myself up with an inhaler or O2, I'm sitting down & taking it all in. Can't wait to see more. Your blog is always the best! Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments today. I admire you & your husband and you have such an honorable attitude. We would love to be doing what you both do by renovating & restoring homes. These bad times too shall pass & then we can breathing a lot easier. All the best to you both ~ Deb

  2. this series looks great...think i really should add it to my lovefilm and watch it!

  3. I have never seen Madmen but i will watch the box set one day as the fashion is amazing! I am loving their style x

  4. I love every single one of these..EVERY single one! I love the sets, the fashions, the hair..totally gorgeous!

  5. I have a few minutes to check in, should be back to blogging by Saturday.:)

    I am so out of the loop, I haven't even heard of this show. I do not watch much tv at all, other than news. Going to have to try and catch this one. Absolutely love her look!!! Wouldn't you just love to have those dresses? I sure would.:)

    Have a wonderful week, sweetie.


  6. Wow, great pic picks. I've heard raves about Mad Men, but have yet to watch it. Hope you have a splendiferous week!

  7. This is so funny, to read the comments here! All my Flickr friends are so into MM, and have done the "Mad Men Yourself" icons (me too). I think the show is so great that you can enjoy it even if you aren't into the mid-century aesthetic. But if you are....it's hard to pay attention to the dialogue sometimes because of all the eye candy! Love Betty's looks! But I really dream of looking like Joan....sigh.

  8. I can't wait! Love Mad Men and AMC had a marathon on yesterday.

    Betty is beautiful. The hair, makeup and clothes is great.

  9. Isn't she just the cutest. I hope this year she gets the one up on that cad of a husband (who in real life is from my home town of St. Louis).

    Yes, you must go to www.madmenyourself.com ...and insert yourself into a scene from the show. Too fun.

  10. MORE great images?! I can't stand it!!! Betty is so much fun to watch too...love her clothes/hair. And her character is so nutty....

    the anticipation...I tell you!

  11. b and i have been meaning to start this series, he keeps telling me how awesome the clothes are (that's his way to hook me!)

  12. I have an absolute crush on Betty!!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!