
Mad Men Spotlight: Joan

In my twenties, I was definitely a Joan...
Love the hair (above), via drawonthewalls.wordpress.com. How could it be that I have never really taken notice of necklace Joan is always wearing (below), pic via blogs.amctv.com ? Just another reason to re-watch.
Admitedly, looking at this pic, I'm focused more on these fantastic chairs. Via courant.com.
I would just look frumpy in this blouse. It's beautiful on Joan, whose perfect bangs I also envy. Via oliveprincess.com.
One of my favorite Joan outfits, via clothesonfilm.com. I wish I had a better pic of this dress.
Joan checks for wrinkle, via guardian.co.uk. Note the kitchy seahorse wall hangings to her right.
Joan/Peggy power struggle (?) via bigdaddyseashell.wordpress.com.
On a rare occasion, we see Joan's hair down, via weblogs.variety.com. Great barkcloth drapes in the background.
Longer locks, via trappedintheattic.wordpress.com.
Thank you Joan for bringing back girl curves. Also, I now really want to be a redhead, however I don't think I could pull it off unless I had Joan's wardrobe. And confidence. If you haven't already seen them, check out Spotlight:Betty and Spotlight:Peggy.


  1. She certainly does have the curves & knows how to use them to great advantage! Love the pencil necklace!

  2. I love Joan - I think in part because we have the same name.

  3. Her curves are A-MAZING! She's really quite wonderful. Lovely spotlight - I hadn't noticed the great necklace either!

  4. BAM! she looks so hot!!! always!

  5. gosh, joan, she is so stunning, I love all of her looks. and about that blouse that you think you would look frumpy in - well I did buy a similar blouse and I do look frumpy in it. I can't pull it off!!

  6. Joan is my lady-crush hehe :D I was anticipating your coverage of Joan and her wonderful curves and lovely clothes!

  7. Dangerous curve ahead!
    Wonderful weekend darling!!


  8. HELLO! Wow...she is such a fox. I adore EVERY outfit...woweee.

  9. I can't WAIT for Mad Men. I'm definitely more of a Peggy! :)

  10. Thanks for your comment about my Mad Men party idea! I had more fun writing that posting! And I'm also excited about my Etsy shop. I am a scavenger at heart, and since my house is filled, an Etsy shop will provide an outlet for my interesting junk! Stay tuned...

  11. Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I love yellow doors and tiny houses, too!! haha..

    Great blog you have here!

  12. I am very Curvy and love seeing a post of a woman with a body!! and that is one heck of a Body.
    I love her outfits and the chairs are gorgeous..there are actually a pair down the road from me at a little antique shop I have been eyeing

  13. Hello, really enjoyed reading your posts - thank you for sharing !

  14. Ah, the 50s femme fatale. I should definitely watch this show...

  15. Great post! And so funny that you mention the chairs in the third picture down, because I just saw an identical pair offered on Craigslist yesterday.


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