
Move to the Shore?

As summer winds down, I find myself longing for the beach more and more. I'm torn between my love for the rolling lush green mountainous area in which I live and the slow-paced life of small coastal towns. I offen take "virtual vacations" to try and appease myself temporarily, but there is no substitute for the smell of the salt air and the sand between my toes, the warm glow on my skin despite wearing sunscreen, the sound of the waves lapping at the shore, watching the birds bathing and fishing at low tide, catching a glimpse of the dolphins at play in the channel, the sunsets...
Is there anyone else out there dreaming of living in a new place?

P.S. Pic taken by my dad on Seahorse Key, with real film. As per usual when on any southern coast or island, I have some bad hair going on. I suppose this is something to think about when considering a move to the coast (I'll add it to the "cons" list). Please note that although it looks like I weed my pants, I just got my shorts wet while wading.

P.P.S. Reminder: The 10% off sale in my vintage shop ends Sunday.

P.P.P.S. Have a great weekend!


  1. I dream of going to back to DC all the time. Sigh.

  2. I am moving but its just to go to school and its further away from the ocean..:( I am like though WANTING to be by it longer...summer goes by too fast. I love fall too but winter not so much. I adore the beach. You should totally go to PEI just for the beaches someday...so beautiful!

  3. Your dad did such a great job with real film!! (almost unheard of anymore... no do-overs!!!)

    I'm not sure I want to live anywhere else (I'm not very adventurous that way) ... but I would love to visit Maui again. :)

  4. I always dream of living on the beach..always! I think if I had to move again, it would be somewhere near water...it's so freeing!

  5. Are you kidding?! I live in Omaha, NE, so I am obviously dreaming of being somewhere else, ha! Somehow corn, humidity, & highways aren't cutting it anymore....I think the cons for living on the coast are def. outweighed by the pros!

  6. I'm quite happy where I am...but I wish I could build my dream house with lots of closets! in the same location... I want to go the beach this weekend, live close enough to one! Lovely weekend~


  7. YES, especially lately, I've been dreaming of packing it up again and moving by the ocean. Nothing seems better!

  8. mmm the ocean sounds nice, indeed!

    i have actually been fixating on canada. i was at a rummage sale the other day and this guy and i got to talking about quebec city. he said it's marvelous ... it looks marvelous.

    have you ever been to canada?
    if so, where? and what was it like??

    i received the vase - it is so beautiful!!

  9. Living on the beach would be amazing! I do love Seattle though. Have a great weekend!

  10. I dream of the beach daily. I would like a beach house somewhere but I would keep my house in Iowa too.

  11. I dream of moving back to Europe, the ultimate life for me would be to live on the Mediterranean. The mountains are so beautiful and majestic, but there is something about the water that has a pull like nothing else.

    It's important for us to take those virtual vacations - whether they are sitting under an old oak tree reading a book, or riding the waves in a sailboat, or living on the coastal shores, keep on dreaming!

    Wishing you a DREAMY weekend!


  12. i am dreaming of south carolina. my husband and i just went there for vacation and to check out a small town outside of charleston (for his work). We are crossing our fingers for relocation!

  13. I do miss the beach. I picture myself sitting @ Swami's Beach outside of San Diego. Tear...tear...wahhhhhh

  14. I would love to live someplace island-y, someplace that's nice and warm all year round. It's not that I'm against work, but I could easily fit in someplace that has a more relaxed way of life.

  15. Your adorable! I love living in a port city, its so refreshing and I love being near bodies of water. Well, I'm off to Vegas and Hawaii tomorrow! Byeeeeeee!

  16. i want to go to the beach. whaaaaaa...now i'm going to go cry about it.

  17. I dream sometimes of living in a Scottish castle, walking around my grounds wearing a tweed skirt and some wellington boots. Sigh!!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!