
Random Hump Day Happy Photos

I'm feeling slightly unmotivated and uninspired today, so I thought I'd post some random images that make me happy...
Photo above via douglasspics. Photo below via flickr (user forgotten, sorry!)
I want this cute Georges Briard tray (only $18) from Paper Poppy Vintage, but I am buh-roke as can be. Please someone buy it and take pics of it at your 60's themed patio party so that I may live through you.
I can't get enough of Penelope Pug (whose pics I've posted before). You must check out pilarkitty's photostream.
I want this hamburger cake. Cake is almost as good as cheese. Via dessertolicious.
Because we can't just eat cake... Via j-walkblog.
I took these last 3 pics of my nephews in Texas in June.

I wish I were lounging in this pool right now...

Ok, I suppose I'd better get some actual work done today. Have a great hump day!


  1. Happy Hump-day to you!! Love these images. Your nephews look like fun!! It makes me want to run through a sprinkler.
    LOVE that vintage cottage cheese poster!!

  2. how lovely ... thnaks for sharing. I really like the dog one , and your nephews pictures !!

  3. Hello, darling, I've been so uninspired lately too, some kind of autumn approaching blues, I suppose. I love love these photos, hilarious pug (I think pugs are ghastly :D but I do find them very cute too:). The striped tights are an absolute dream! I want a pair! And that cake, my goodness, whoever made it is an absolute genius! xoxox Have a great day, Marsi!

  4. your nephews are adorable .. they really look like they're having fun!
    i love running through the sprinkler ... even if some people might think i'm too old for that!

    thank you for featuring one of my etsy items on your post!! that tray really is something else :-)

    and you know something, if you're feeling uninspired, i recommend you go see a movie. today my grandma and i went and saw julie & julia. it was adorable.

  5. The boys are so fun!
    I want that hamburger cake, no onions pleasssseee...


  6. is that hamburger cake serious?! oh my goodness, i want it and i want to know what the french fries taste like too!

  7. Aww, that puggy is so cute! I miss my dog so much right now that I've been dreaming about him. Crazy.

  8. That CAKE!!! It's my birthday tomorrow and I just told the boys I'd bake a cake for all of us ... but that one's probably a bit too adventurous (read: time consuming / difficult) for me.

    Great images!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!