
These are Not good photos

Apparently it's monsoon season here, and the deluge of rain daily has foiled our living room renovation and frame-making plans for the entire week. And I've come down with a summer cold, so that has me feeling extra blah and with zero energy today. My one accomplishment this morning: I organized a bunch of old photos on my old powerbook. The theme of today's post is "These are not good photos but I like them anyway." Some are out of focus, some are grainy, some are downright everyday dull. But for some reason, I feel an affinity for each one of them.

Pelican takes flight. Taken at dusk in Cedar Key, Florida in April 2009.
Abandoned flip-flop on the side of the road in Cedar Key. Taken in April 2009. For some reason, this pic reminds me that summer is winding down and it makes me feel a little sad. Perhaps is I should go shop for some skinny jeans and boots I'll feel better.
Big dog "Jade" carrying an even bigger stick. Taken at my parents' old house in Chattanooga, Autumn 20005 (?).
Sign on one of those throw-at-a-target game booths at the July 4th, 2009 celebration on the courthouse lawn in Dunlap, Tennessee. The prizes included a gun, a haircut and color, or an oil change.
Home run scored during a Rangers v. Braves baseball game, summer 2008. Arlington, Texas.
Armadillo in our campsite at Manatee Springs State Park, Florida, April 2005. I know these critters are destructive, but they are so cute!
My first "sighting" of a UFO Peach. Ok, that was a bad pun. But aren't they adorable? Taken at some small town grocery store some time during peach season this year.
Giant snowflakes and me in my pajamas. If you enlarge this picture you can see my pup Dodge in the doorway, eyes huge and glowing green from the flash. He looks like an alien. Taken in front of our house in Knoxville, Tennessee in January 2005.
I hope you've enjoyed my crappy pictures :)


  1. WHy is it that we just can't throw some pictures away? Now I understand why you can't throw these away though as they certainly hold fond memories. I love the one with Dodge looking like an alien..wow!

  2. You know why these are appealing? It's because they tell a story. I especially like the armadillo, Jade with oversized stick, and the green sign. Love the sense of humor in those photos.

  3. i love little pictures with cute stories and sentiment :)

  4. I love the pics :) That armadillo is adorable! Why do people think their pests? Hope you feel better!

  5. These are great! I can totally see why you like each and every one of them. I have photos like that...this post so makes me want to go digging. LOVE.

  6. Love doggy Jade, so ambitious to carry the biggest stick around! My dogs are just too lazzzy! Happy Fiday~

  7. ps: feel better soon ; take organic honey with hot water at least every 2 hours...works wonder!

  8. Very cool! I've never seen an armadillo before!

  9. Oh! I love your pictures!! Especially the armadillo - how exotic is he!! I also love the pelican - we have a lot of them here in Sydney. Summer cold :( no good - hope you feel better soon!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!