
Featured blog: What's blogging my view

A reminder: if you haven't already done so, don't forget to enter my giveaway hosted by Down and Out Chic. You can win your choice of a Danish modern peacock candelabra or a 1940's Argus camera. International entries are welcome too, but hurry up and enter - the winner will be chosen tonight!

I'm long overdue for a feature on one of my favorite blogs: what's blogging my view. Not only does Norwegian blogger Janne provide constant design inspiration for me, but her various posts about her adopted Fox Terrier Kurt, her little boy, her attempts to save a baby bird, her travels, and everything else that she blogs about have me alternately smiling, laughing, crying, googling, thinking, and thankful that there are people so lovely and talented as Janne out there in the world.
Janne has been featured in several publications, including Norwegian Elle(!). She finds the coolest things for her home, many of them vintage, often thrift finds. The shelves above Janne's couch include a dog pencil drawing dated 1931, which she found at a junk yard. That amazing oil painting is by Norwegian artist named Ansgar Leiten, and is dated 1965. Another amazing flea market find!
In Janne's tiny sewing room, a cupboard inherited from her grandfather, and a lovely plate display (which I know Christina will appreciate).
Just a tiny example of Janne's extensive mid-century dinnerware collection.
A furniture makeover by Janne.
I envy Janne's dinnerware and pottery collection, because it's extremely hard to find fabulous mid-century Scandinavian pieces where I live.

Janne makes beautiful pillows and pillow covers from vintage fabrics and silk scarves. She sells her pillows and other handmade items for the home in her online shop JB Design. She also has an Etsy shop, where she sells her book covers and magnets sewn from vintage fabrics, and brooches made from vintage dinnerware.

And for all of you who enjoyed my Omodern post, here is some great info from Janne: "Omodern is Swedish for unfashionable, by the way. And the white box in the shower is the hot water tank/boiler. I have a whole book on 'man bands' as you call them - I keep thinking I should make a blog post..." Pretty please, will you do a blog post on the man bands, Janne?


  1. These images have me oohhing and ahhhing so loud you can probably hear me through your computer!! I would just love to add that pottery collection to my home and the vintage suitcases with the lovely china on the wall is just beautiful..

  2. Incredibly stylish! Very intense actually! The mid-century ceramics are very striking. Love the interiors too - thank you for bring this blogger to my attention - I'll go check out her site!

  3. I am under the distinct suspicion that my own etsy shop is very much sub-par.

  4. Wow... you really caught me by surprise there! I'm blushing... Thank you so much for this - I'm really honoured! I promise to post about the man bands, hopefully soon ;-)

  5. so much beauty in this post and i DO appreciate that plate wall, i DO! it makes me very, very happy indeed.

  6. What a great tribute you did. It made me jump over to see the rest of the blog. What a good blogger friend you are!


  7. hahaha, i love christina is being known as the plate wall lady.

    I love the suitcases for a room, and your introduction was amazing!

  8. I gave you an award! Check it out here:

    I love your blog and your shop; keep up the inspirational posts!

  9. Comments disabled for the contest? No fair! I'm a reader AND a follower!!

    Love the dog!!

  10. You have sent me into design attack CC. I worship Scandinavian pottery/design. Cannot have enough. Janne's home is terrific & look forward to reading her blog & checking out her etsy site. Thanks CC & thanks you from the bottom of my birkenstocks for the virtual hug. You are the BeSt!!

  11. HOLY MOLY!!! she has the coolest stuff and the most incredible taste! must check out her blog and her shop!!!!

  12. ooh... good lord! what a lovely blog!! Thanks for the introduction. :)

  13. gorgeous style, love the shelf above the sofa.....might have to try something similar.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!