
Eames Chair Madness Part II

It's fun having some company on the occasional day that my husband is off of work during the week and about the house. However, he gets bored and I'm easily distracted, and we end up doing things like taking off for Mexican food and a big beer at 4:00 in the afternoon, or shooting a bunch of pics of Eames chairs.

(Side shell chairs available here, here, and here.)


  1. Great pics! One day I hope to own an Eames chair!

    Thank you for your sweet comment about my wedding and congrats on your recent marriage!

  2. These are all yours? Ooooh, I'm so jealous. Gorgeous selection and gorgeous snapshots. We own a few reproductions from DWR and actually have a set of six original orange eiffel base chairs that we were using around the breakfast table. But although they survived at least four decades of exsistence prior to arriving to our household, it didn't appear that they were going to survive my three sons. So, alas, sadly they reside in storage.

    Thanks for your lovely comment today, I'm so glad you stopped by.

  3. What a phenomenal collection...and haha, eating out and have a fewski is one bad habit we have as well..heehee.
    Have a Great Weekend!!!

  4. ooOOOoo I love the second pic!

  5. That sounds like my kind of day!! Beer at 4, Mexican and an Eames chair photo shoot! Perfect! Love that wooden one especially!

  6. Very artistic! I think it's lovely that you do these creative things with your hubbie! Such a nice way to spend time together.

  7. What a great collection! I wish they were mine... All of them.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!