
Insanely cool designs at The Wallpaper Collective

I'm still wallpaper phobic (make that design commitment phobic, as proven by my 3-times-painted-since-I-moved-in two years ago office and kitchen). However, the funky selections from The Wallpaper Collective make me ridiculously flipping happy. Whoever thought to put a flocked velvet skull and bones motif, mix tapes & turntables, squirrels, polar bears, jellyfish & squid on wallpaper is a mad genius. (Oh, and there are some nekkid ladies too).

Did you spy the jellyfish? (Look closely at the second to last image).


  1. squirrels all the way!!! ok and the last one... just makes me bust out laughing!! love it!

  2. Yep!..I am so digging the squirrels!


    and www.whatisblick.com for stickables

  3. oh my, the squirrels the squirrels!!! i love them. i'm definitely running off this second to check out that site.

  4. well normally i am petrified of wallpaper, but these selections are FABULOUS!

  5. Oh God these rock...my favs being the 3rd and the squirrel one...too bleeping cool. LOVE.

  6. Ah!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!! I'm crazy about wallpaper right now and would love to have about a zillion different rooms to decorate!

    I'm off to check out more from this site -- thanks for such a fantastic link!

  7. be still my heart...these are AMAZING!

  8. Okay - WANTS the lady in the field one....


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!