
Polar Bear: Dog's Best Friend?

Surprising interactions captured in Manitoba. The polar bear came back every night for a week to play with the photographer's dogs. Click here to see more.


  1. Oh, I saw this story! It's pretty much the sweetest thing ever. Did you ever see the story about the dogs in Russia that ride on trains? Crazy! Ha ha!

  2. this makes me MELT! Gorgeous dog and bear..so precious. Thanks for sharing..off to see if there are any pb's with cats...lol. ;)

  3. ahhhh, oh my gosh. wow. i wonder if the owner thought the bear would kill the dog. apparently not. this is amazing.

  4. Gosh! Polar bears are so incredibly fierce and aggressive when they are hunting for food - this dog is very game snuggling up to him I think!

  5. This is the cutest thing!! I love this!! Photographs of different kinds of animals getting along makes me happy like nothing else.

  6. This is sweet but you don't want to get on the wrong side of a polar bear.

  7. This is so neat... I have to forward this to my friend. She wants a pet polar bear and I feel like this proves they can be sweet and loving!!

  8. Oh I love this!!! Thanks for sharing! PS-cute blog!

  9. I think this is a very rare occurrence! But sure is a beautiful sight.


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