
Sunday Hike: Fall Creek Falls

Our Sunday afternoon was spent hiking at Fall Creek Falls. The massive state park has numerous huge waterfalls, including the highest free-falling or "plunge" waterfall in the eastern U.S. My husband's family settled this area of the Cumberland Plateau hundreds of years ago, and his great-uncle was the first superintendent of the park, in the 1940's.

Although I've been to this park numerous times, I never noticed this huge heart-shaped stone set in a walkway. How fortuitous that I glimpsed it for the first time on Valentine's Day!


  1. These pictures are gorgeous... I would love to visit there :)

  2. this place looks AMAZING!

  3. Gorgeous park, and way cool to find the heart-shaped stone on Valentine's Day!

  4. gosh! i like everything about the park.... we have nothing like this in malaysia, you guiys are lucky!

  5. Wow...What a beautiful hike and how romantic about the heart stone...I found a heart potato...^o^ hahah, it was weird..like a double potato shaped in a heart..it was kind of ugly but cute.

  6. wow, it's beautiful and that hear shaped rock was meant to be found and admired.

  7. I would love to visit this place! Thanks for the post.

  8. What lovely photographs!! That's such a cool story about your husband as well -- what a wonderful thing to have ties to a place like that!

  9. I think that walk looks my idea of heaven! Truly! My boyfriend and I love to go walking in nature - this would be mind blowing!

  10. AMAZING!!!!!!!!! i would love to hike there! gah! i need to visit this place!!!

  11. How absolutely amazing I need to go to T apparently. I live in Colorado and thought that we had great hiking here..wow!

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