
Life is a Picnic

Um, how cute is this "Life is a Picnic" treasury?! It was curated by Beth of harmoniepark, who makes the most gorgeous treasuries. Some of my favorite Etsy sellers and blog pals are include here too - I'm honored to be in such good company!

Here's a sampling of some of my favorites from harmoniepark. Beth has a cool blog too!


  1. your blanket was the inspiration for the whole treasury. so, cheers to YOU!

    and thank you kindly for the lovely shop mention.

  2. Such a pretty treasury! It makes me want to have a picnic...I can't wait for summer :)

  3. Yay!! She does make some great treasuries! I love her shop too.

  4. Marsi you always feed my nostalgic soul. So many great items and will be excited to check out their sites. Thanks my friend; hoping all is really well?1

  5. Vintage forever~ love it even more!
    Thank you~

  6. orange and lime is such a fantastic color combo!

  7. Love these posts! I just came across a darling little picnic basket yesterday that I plan on listing in my etsy shop. Also, I hopped over here will you repost your comment to the flamingo pics? It won't register for some reason when I hit moderation. Thanks, it was a wonderful comment, made my day!

  8. Spring is the best time for picnics. I love the colors used. Orange and green the colors of outdoor activities. The picnic blanket and baskets are eye candies.
    traditional picnic baskets

  9. i have been dying to make a treasury! there's always too many, so i never can :-(


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!