
Stuffed Poblanos

I made stuffed poblano peppers last week and they were so good that I'm making them again tonight. When I have the recipe perfected, I'll share it here. We're eating a lot of vegetarian meals these days, so I'll work on a meat-free recipe too. You can't see it, but there's a lot of rice hidden away in there.
Sorry for the sad little post. My internet was down for half of the day (thanks Comcast), and I've been a busy bee since then. Off to cook...


  1. These look delicious!! I am on the edge of my seat waiting for that recipe :)

  2. drooling here!
    I'm trying to cut down on my red meat intake lately as well...

  3. Holy YUM!!! These look insanely delish..do share the recipe...do.

  4. Very strange ... but I just finished eating and now I find that I'm famished!


  5. Ooooh la la! They look very very moorish! I think I would find it hard to stop from eating them all!! Perhaps the trick would be o only make a couple!

  6. These look delicious!

    I've been trying to increase our "meat free" days ... so any help with recipes is greatly appreciated. :)

    (glad your internet is back.)

  7. Looks so yummy! I can't wait for the recipe so I can make it myself. I have been looking for stuffed pepper recipe and this is perfect! Thanks in advance for sharing the recipe! :)
    By the way, I work for Comcast. Please let me know if you need more help. Sorry for the trouble.
    Best regards,

    Mark Casem
    Comcast Corp.
    National Customer Operations

  8. So good!! I need this recipe!! We're vegetarians, but I've found that it's actually pretty easy to find substitutes for the meat in most things.

    Going to spend the rest of the day drooling over this cheesy goodness now...


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!