
New Addiction: The Kitchn

Have you been reading Apartment Therapy's The Kitchn? I haven't had much time to explore new (to me) blogs lately, but I found out about this gorgeous, highly addictive blog from Kate of the fabulous Hello Victory, who had one of her items featured on the blog. The Kitchn is so cool that it may even get away with bringing back the molded gelatin salad.

And funny thing, when I checked my google analytics a few days ago, I found that my orange tea kettle (above) had been featured on The Kitchn too! I'm always telling Kate that we are on the same wavelength, and here's yet another example. I swear, she's the Minnesota me (though far more stylish).


  1. Everything on Apartment Therapy is gorgeous!

  2. Morning Marsi!
    Great cluster of visual yummy delights here~love them all, especially the mushroom print!
    Thanks for the suggestion, it's tremendous help! Yup, the chairs're Barcelonas~ you are GOOD!! You & me the same;mid-century BIG fans!

    Great Friday & weekend~weeehhh...

  3. Looks interesting but what the hey is Unicorn Meat?

    And those peach slices certainly make me want to try molded gelatine (but only if I select the ingredients).

  4. That's awesome your kettle was on there too!! We are totally on the same wave length and you are too stylish! Have a great weekend hun :)

  5. I'm going to head over there and check it out right now. (Even though I know it's just going to make me hungry.) Cool kettle.

  6. "UNICORN MEAT"..lol. I must check out Kate's blog, she had me a molded jello salad. Should of known she was a Minnesotan. I have so many molded salad recipes that you could start a museum. Love your tea kettle too, everything is happier in orange isn't it. Happy..happy weekend to you Marsi. xoxo

  7. Oh those pics just make me so hungry! Glad to see they featured your orange teapot as well! It's just adorable. I'm adding myself as a follower to the kitchn:)

  8. Very gorgeous! Will head over to Apartment Therapy!

  9. what in the world is unicorn meat? seriously? is it like magical spam?


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