
Black House / White House

Which do you like better and why?


  1. I like the black house better, because I like a pitched roof rather than a flat roof.

    I wonder if there is a view of the sea from the upstairs... ☺

  2. hmmm I think I prefer the black house out of these two.

  3. I like the black one. Its shape is very charming. And while both have traditional elements, the white one is much more traditional. It looks like a slightly nicer facsimile of a crappy McMansion built in the middle of a mid century residential block.

  4. black. the white one is awesome, but the black one is just cool!

  5. i love me some black, but i still think i'd go for the white house. it is fresh and cheery and clean. but maybe i'd take the black house as my home away from home? yes, i'll do that. :)

  6. The white one - that pretty garden and the sun and *sigh*!

  7. I love the open windows on the first floor in the black, but pulling up to the white house everyday would just put a smile on my face.

  8. the black house look awesome!
    but the white one is pretty
    nah i cant decide

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  9. hmmm, i'd have to go with white b/c as you know, living in the south means it gets hot and living in a black house would be like residing in a sauna.


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