

I used to loathe geraniums. I suppose I was burned out on them because my mom had those garish practically fluorescent orangey-salmony-reddish ones in the 70's and early 80's, so in my memory they were dated (kind of like shag carpet). Boy, have I changed my mind! A couple of months ago I woke up and decided that I love geraniums. I do think in part it's nostalgia. Unfortunately, I can't find the color I grew up with in my area, or even pictures of that variety online, so I settled for the "pinto red" variety. My little plants are just now coming into bloom, so I'll have to show pics of them later, but I couldn't wait to do a geranium post 'cause I'm impatient like that.

at Hare's Nursery in Arlington, TX (my photo)
I really want some potted ones for my back deck, but big dog Dodge will probably eat them. Funny thing - I mentioned to my Mom my newfound love of the geraniums that I used to think were so hideous, and she laughed so hard because now those "ugly" geraniums are the only plant that my Dad simply won't allow in their yard. I suppose I'm not the only one who remembers them as 70's flowers. More info about geraniums here.


  1. I've never really liked geraniums either because of that dark orangy color. But the other ones, the purples, whites and pinks - gorgeous!

  2. I can't wait to start planting. These are so pretty. I think the only flowers I'm not too fond of are carnations.

  3. are we related?!?!? i used to HATE geraniums!!! i could not stand them! and then something changed. i moved into a pink place with planters all ready to go on the south side, and i filled them with geraniums. this was 5 years ago, and they are still going pretty strong. they are so chipper and vibrant, and they can take a beating from the sun!

    p.s. glad you don't have awful clients. the clients i had to deal with at that architecture firm were unbelievable. but i think my bosses were much worse! the more money the client (OR BOSS) has and is spending, the more difficult they are! yeesh!

    and i miss BG, too. such a rad show. but i like caprica -- it just needs to be on more often!

  4. My mom had those too! And I too hated them for a long time. A couple of years ago I came around and I usually have one or two pots of them on the deck for the summer. I don't have a dog, but my fluffy long-hair cat likes to munch, so I spend my time on the deck shooing her away from the plants. Thanks for visiting my blog today. I am looking forward to reading yours.

  5. Their dusky scent takes me right back to childhood. A bit late this year, a basket of red ones is about to bloom on our porch.

  6. Me too! I hated the smell and I wasn't particularly fond of the way they look. I have a new found love for them as well. Maybe because I really want to go to Italy and it seems you see pictures of them in window boxes in every little village.

  7. I love geraniums! Big bright red ones and my front porch is covered in them. I would love to have some flower boxes to add them to. My house faces the West and they seem to do really well where I have them. And I think they don't like to be over-watered.

  8. Every summer, my mom would purchase pots of geraniums - sitting pots on the porch, hanging pots above the porch, pots on the back deck... maybe there was something in the water, lol!

  9. Oh gosh, I love these geranium shots! I can never find any nice ones here in Oklahoma so I just don't buy them, but they are an all time favorite since childhood. Hey I never thought about adding the airstream shots to my etsy shop, will do that now!! Thanks!!


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