
Homemade Twix Bars & Lost Withdrawal

I found this recipe for homemade Twix bars via Curbly, and I'm trying to come up with an occasion for which to make them. Having an entire batch of a dessert this tasty at my house is sabotage for the waistline. My husband and I would scarf them up waaaay to quickly. Did I mention it's no-bake, so you don't even have to heat up your summer kitchen?
My weekend included blueberry pancakes, some good estate sale finds (the most unique being a gigantic old Armour "Kre-Mit" shortening tin that held 110 lbs!), yard work, watching movies, and the finale of LOST. I'm still not sure how I feel about that finale. I liked parts of it a lot (that closing shot was absolutely perfect), but I feel quite unsatisfied. There are just so many unanswered questions. Overall, the entire series was epic, and I'm sad to see it end. Perhaps I need to make some homemade Twix bars to help fill the void.


  1. I can make my own twix bars? sold!
    This is my favorite candy bar!
    And I totally agree with you on Lost. Completely disappointed with the feel-good way they ended it. Not enough resolve for me. I loved that series. So sad it is over:(

  2. omg those twix bars look amazing.

    after the lost first season finale, i could not watch it because i was sooo creeped out!!! maybe on day i'll watch the rest of the season..

  3. I want one of those bars!!

    I didn't even read the last part of this post. I stopped once I saw LOST because I haven't watched this season yet. I'm waiting to rent all of them.....I cant wait!!

  4. awesome. i can't wait to try making these!

    ...and i feel pretty much the same way you do re: lost.

  5. OHMYGOD!!! i have to make these! I HAVE TO! but i have to make them when i am TAKING THEM SOMEWHERE, or i will scarf them all down meself!

  6. mmmmmmmm....these look wondrous.

    we would scarf them all down too..we are such piggies or at least i am. i love to make sweets but need to meet some friends to pawn half them off to so i won`t become obese.

    i never got into lost but its like the whole world and their dogs did. i don`t think i`ll bother at this point.
    i feel that way a lot when a series ends or even a good book...it`s like its over, now what...

  7. Not only did I immediately see your post, and make a batch... I also was so moved by the sheer awesomeness of the Twix that I had to blog it myself! Thanks for sharing... and allowing me to spread the gospel on to the masses!


  8. OH I want to make those too!!! And yes about LOST... I was SO disappointed! I'm still in recovery... It was a very poor way to wrap things up. The closing shot was definitely perfect, but all the emotionalism wasn't enough to make me forget all the questions I was hoping that they would at least partially answer... Twixt are needed indeed!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!