
A Big Surpise in little Micanopy

Micanopy is a small town a few miles south of Gainesville, Florida. The town is rich in history, charm, and natural beauty, and is the second oldest U.S. settlement in Florida. This was our third visit to Micanopy (we like to camp at the nearby Payne's Prairie State Park and ride our bikes into town). I imagine the view of the town's main street is quite lovely viewed from this turret.
This screened portico looks like a wonderful little place to hide away for an afternoon and read.
Amazing handmade brickwork. This large building has been vacant for as long as we've been visiting the town, about five years. But the outside looks well-maintained.
I love this scene, and keep taking pics of this old car from different angles each time we're in town.
Pretty old church shaded by the Live Oaks and Spanish Moss.
The Herlong Mansion, now a Bed & Breakfast, and the only place to stay in Micanopy other than one divey chain motel near the highway, or camping at Payne's Prairie. Rumored to be haunted by a friendly ghost.
The Garage - one of several good antique stores in the historic district.
Another antique store, I can't recall the name of this one.
And the surprise I mentioned in this post's title? Signed Charley Harper prints from the 70's! We were delighted to find that O. Brisky Books was open on a Monday (the store generally opens now only on Saturdays and Sundays). The shop owner just happened to be there, shipping a package. This is an amazing, quite large, bookstore filled with new, used, and rare books. His selection of Florida books can't be beat. The Charley Harper prints were at the back of the store, tucked away as if they were quite unimportant.
Unfortunately, the cardboard that the prints were backed with is not acid free, and three of the four prints had condition issues. They were priced at $250 each (except for the one which was heavily spotted, it was $125) - a fair price for the large print, a little high for the smaller ones. We just weren't in the position to buy them at the time. I can't stop thinking about the print below. I almost hesitated to share these with you guys, because I selfishly want the prints to be mine one day. However, I realize that they just need to go to a good home as soon as possible before their condition declines further in the not-so-well-conditioned store.
Are you enjoying the journey through Florida? I'll take a break to share some interiors, and resume with Cedar Key pics in a few days.


  1. Love the pictures! Now that we live in this part of the country, I'm excited to add little jems like this to our "future weekends" list:)

  2. Really glad I found your blog, enjoying it very much!

  3. Lovely photos! And those prints are too, hope they get rescued soon...

  4. I've been reading all of your Florida posts and am smitten! You've inspired me to do a bit of reading about all of the lovely places that you've mentioned!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!