
What I wish I were doing right now...

I really need a day to "escape" into a good book...

Photos via Slate.


  1. Yep. Although I have been busy of late with my new "NOOK" = eBook....
    I have decided to start from the beginning of Sue Grafton's collection, "A" is fro Alibi.

    I found my Kahuna's old paper back collection from the 1980's.

    They are fast and fun, and they all take place in my most favorite spot.

  2. Hi I found you while blog surfing. I day dream of renovating homes so your blog is right up my ally. Looking forward to reading more.

  3. i'm terribly (terribly) addicted to the outlander series. seriously, i think my eyes are going to cross from so much reading.

  4. hah these pictures make me happy. i don't think i could ever use one of those kindle things... i love the pages of books too much.

    what does your brother in law play?? a few friends of mine were in dallas a few months ago auditioning for the timpani spot there.

    and yeah, i've heard of bill bachman! that is so cool that he's your cousin!! (maybe he can donate one of his cool drum pads for a cottage cheese giveaway?! lol)

  5. i have been reading like a loonie lately. i am actually about to go to the library to return 5 books and pick up 5 more. i LOVE it! i`m totally doing it old school lately with the library. when i see a book i want, i go to the library site and put it on hold. hehe, it`s funny i just read a marilyn monroe biography. i love that first pic.
    reading is so relaxing and it`s great to learn or go into another world for a little while. so much better than tv!
    great post! :D the ebaulming one made me chuckle!!

  6. Delightful photos. I need to escape too!

  7. ok, the cat reading is just too awesome.

  8. Books have been known to save my life. I'm currently reading a good novel by the woman who wrote the Traveling Pants book. It's called The Last Summer (of you & me).

  9. GAH!!! this post is PERFECT!!! especially the little kitty with the little book!

    i love books. i love to escape inside of a book. i was reading a DREADFUL book a while back (health-related), and i am SO RELIEVED that i am done with that nonsense and back to fiction. books, take me away!


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