
The Lovely Clusters Catalog

Have you seen the new Lovely Clusters Catalog yet?

For those of you not familiar with Lovely Clusters, blogger/designer Rachel Follett has put together beautiful handmade and vintage product collections by color. In addition to the catalog, you can view the complete collection by color or category. And the Lovely Clusters blog is total eye candy. Did I mention that Rachel lives in Hawaii?


  1. this catalogue looks gorgeous! i love that it is organized by color. brilliant!!!

    and she lives in hawaii?!?!? argh. i wish i was there right now.

  2. I love the idea of putting a catalog together by color!!

  3. Thanks for your comment on Cedar Key DP...

    All appears to be OK for now, but I don't have a lot of hope for the future...some folks in CK are crossing their fingers, others are in denial.

    A bunch of oil will wipe them out...an unspeakable tragedy!

  4. I love her site. She's got a great eye and she's so sweet.

  5. Thanks for sharing! She has a cool site. I saw that you were featured too! I love your blog--especially the awesome photos of your mid-century modern stuff. The local selection isn't as good here in Omaha, NE. It's always fun to see what else is out there! Thanks for leaving comments on my blog!

  6. How have I never heard of this? It's beyond lovely!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!