
Rainy Day Cute

Thanks to a busy weekend in the shop and plans for an upcoming vacation (yippee!), yesterday was a work day for me, but it still "felt" like a holiday. Although we didn't have any grand plans and lots of rain fell, we managed to cram a lot of summer fun into the weekend: miles and miles of walking around downtown and the North Shore, pints and a philly sandwich on the patio here, watching movies from the couch and in the theater, and grilled portobellos (which my husband has mastered). All of this rain reminded me of a couple of cute rainy day photos I had tucked away in a folder. Wish I had a rainy day outfit this cute. Source: lookbook via pretty.little.world.
Ah, if only they made a doggie umbrella big enough for my 65 pound boy Dodge. Apparently he's too delicate to get rained on (yet strangely, he's really good in the bath). Photo source: Geek Gaz
My apologies for the shorty posts these past few days. Hope to make up for it this week...


  1. I love that little red umbrella. Could have used it today as it was rainy in Maine. But the sun's coming out tomorrow. Hey, wait! Isn't that a song? ☺

  2. sounds like you had a killer weekend. i have never tried portebello burgers but have ALWAYS wanted to try!!! I must asap....yummm...they seem like they would be killer. any tips?
    those dog umbrellas are hilarious.
    i suck on the blog front lately, hahaha, my apologies. i love to visit your loveliness when i do venture into blogland...always lots of eye treaties.

  3. love these shots!

    and umbrellas for doggies?! what will they think of next! :)

  4. So sweet those two little fellas! It's been super rainy here too - I'm quite enjoying it!

  5. It only ever rains around my birthday, in February...and I love to hide away for the whole month and watch the cherry blossoms bloom.

    It's good to get a good splash in, too.


  6. Sounds like a great weekend and I gotta say I love love the doggie umbrella!

  7. So funny. My dog Kurt is the same - not keen on the rain but surprisingly good in the bath. Might have something to do with getting a good rub at the same time.

  8. Nice to hear that!
    Such witty design, but I have 5 dogs, so I need a giant sunbrella!

  9. I love the red and green look! So cute!

  10. that is an adorable rainy day outfit. as far as dog umbrella's go, my pointer hates getting her paws wet when it's been raining outside but i'll be damned if i cover her up in an umbrella. i don't even have an umbrella (that doesn't break every few seconds)!

  11. O boy, that dog umbrella really is something. What that something is, I'm unsure of, ha ha! Love it. And the outfit above. So cute! I don't think I ever look quite that cute when soaked by rain, myself.

    PS...grilled portabellos are pretty much fabulous delish!

  12. THANK YOU for the recipe...i was drooling reading it. mmm..can't wait.

  13. That was one of my favorite posts - I love how she kind of looks like a watermelon, but in the most adorable way possible!


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