
The Easiest Chocolate-Banana Ice Cream + Weekend Links

My husband loves ice cream (and really loves bananas). I'm going to make "The Easiest Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe Ever" for Mr. Cheese's birthday in a couple of weeks. It looks divine.

Smile-inducing links:

Seattle by Sailboat. Beautiful.

Ooh, pretty bikes.


Even as an adult, I can't say this phrase without giggling.

Dogs as typefaces.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. that looks delicious! happy early birthday, mr.cheese!

  2. mmmm...yummm...looks and sounds heavenly. the cheese got some good taste. my husband steve can`t eat sweets ever since he ate chocolate milk and an orange together. he said for years after sweets tasted like rotten corn on the cob to him. weird, eh..

    those bikes are supa cool! i want a bike so bad. i would go for a ride immediately if i had one. it just seems so much more fun and free than walking.

    hope you and mr. cheese have a great time on his birthday.

    take care..

  3. Yuuum! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I've been in a recipe rut, desperately needing easy options!

  4. well i bet that ice cream treat will be a HUGE hit!!!

    i hope you have a fab weekend and that your man has a wonderful birthday soon enough!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!