
Scandinavian Modern

Flickr finds using the keywords "Scandinavian Modern":

May I please move into the home with the yellow sofa?


  1. I love the house! It looks like a modern day tree house :) And all the chairs, low and wide, very comfy!

    I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. I am trying to write down as many stories that I can remember, even though I know it's not the same. I will be thinking about you on your trip!

  2. Is it silly that I like that bright pony a lot? :)

    I love the new blog look too!!!

  3. "May I please move into the home with the yellow sofa?"

    And may I please move in with you??

  4. um, i need #2 and #5. BADLY. gAH!!!

  5. Oooh! The house and those ice blue chairs - yes please!!! ...and I love your new layout - it's a winner!!! :0)


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!