
Just Sheds

My new favorite flickr group: Just Sheds.


  1. I love the teal door... but that last one might be my favorite. Reminds me of the Secret Garden...
    such wonderful images!

  2. i need land! why? cos i want sheds tooooooo.

  3. These are seriously awesome! Sheds have always been intriguing/scary for me...On the on side the archiologist in me is always excited to come across some lost dusty hidden treasures, but on the other the 5 year old girl in me was always completely freaked out a spider was gonna pop down at any second and land on my face...it's all about adrenaline right? Regardless I have always loved a good shed:) and you found some great ones!

  4. These are great! I wouldn't mind fixing up that brick one a bit and turning it into a studio.

  5. These are so much fun!! I want to explore that fourth one - it looks so amazing with the crumbling brick and overgrown plants!

  6. those are so beautiful. I would like to go get lost.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!