

We picked out our perfect 8 foot skinny frazer fir tree on Tuesday, and after spending three hours that night fighting with troublesome lights (it was like a scene out of a movie, instead of joy and cheer, it devolved into explatives flying from my mouth), it was almost midnight and we were as pooped as the pup below (although not looking as cute). So our tree is still naked except for lights. Even though only partially "dressed" it's still looking quite lovely. We won't have time to finish the decoration until later this weekend. But I did find a little time today to share some of my favorite (thus far) Christmas-y images from the web.

1, 3,4 - Merry Christmas Bitches
2,6 - Dottie Angel
5 - Cable and Cotton via six oh three

My weekend plans: Tonight - Swanky office Christmas party (I hear these get quite crazy, in fact the CEO told a co-worker of mine who has had the flu all week to stay home and save her strength for the party). Tomorrow - possibly recovering from said party, estate sales, shipping, shop listings, raking leaves, decorating the tree. Sunday - shopping for gifts online, catching up on sleep, and general hibernation. I plan on wearing head to toe fleece, not leaving the house, and having a blanket and cup of tea or cocoa nearby at all times. Oh, and if it snows, building a snowman.

What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. Looks like a lovely tree. My dear Lois handles the tree decorating. I've tried it down through the years but it usually ruins the holidays. :-)

  2. oooo we picked out our frasier fir yesterday! tall and skinny - perfect! have fun at your party! <3

  3. Wonderful time of the year~ so pretty! Have fun at the party!!
    xo as always*

  4. There is something about Christmas lights that...take me to another place and time. I absolutely love and adore them, just magical. I could easily be very tacky with my decorating and have them hanging inside the house year-round. I'm even buying myself a Christmas gift - a baby’s turtle that projects stars all over the room. I'm not kidding, I really am. :)

    Wishing you a wonderful HOLIDAY season!!!

  5. I have magic lights on my tree this year -- sometimes they blink, somethings they don't. No rhyme or reason to it. But I still love my tree. It's a big part of what makes Christmas special for me. Enjoy!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!