
Scenes from Autumn

Now that almost all of the leaves have fallen, I'm finally getting around to sharing a few scenes from my Autumn. Hiking in the Smokies...

Making apple crisp...
Driving through the Blue Ridge Mountains...
While I haven't had enough time to to enjoy more moments like this, I relish the ones I've had. Today I'm helping Mr. Cheese's aunt with a Christmas fundraiser for her animal rescue group. My evenings this past week have been spent baking goodies (for people and for pets), It has been quite fun puttering around the kitchen so much. Puts me in a festive mood.

Yours truly,

Mrs. Cheese, domestic goddess.


  1. What a wonderful combination of photos. Nature and apple crisp. It appeals to all the senses.

  2. What lovely photos!
    I would love a nice hike, unfortunately, it is far too cold for me to want to get out for any length of time. I'll be right over for some of that apple crisp, looks and sounds delciious.

    Girl, I love the way you write.:)

    Hey, tell Mr. Cheese he is one lucky guy to have such wonderful and beautiful Mrs. Cheese. :)

    Have a wonderful and blessed weekend, sweetie!

  3. Well, thank you for sharing your autumnal photos...they are quite beautiful. The baked goods photo, though, was tragic. I immediately headed for the kitchen and down several hundreds of calories which blew my diet. ;-)

    Nah, I'm just kidding. I would have probably done that but we have nothing that good to eat in the house!

  4. Those photo are seriously amazing! Here, we're at full blown winter now.

  5. Hi Marsi - you are one great photographer. So colorful and fun. I hope the fundraiser went well. What a terrific cause. I hope all is going well. Sending you much holiday cheer and take care.

    xx Deb

  6. Well, if we could get ourselves that gorgeous home from your latest post + you wouldn't mind filling it with all kinds of wonderful baked goods, I think I could be quite content :)

  7. such gorgeous fall shots!!!! i am afraid we don't get such a lovely fall out here -- you are lucky!

    and i'll take some apple crisp, por favor!!!!!!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!