
Snowstorm Menu (or - "I ate Everything")

On the rare occasion that it does snow here, our pantry is typically a bit bare. However, to prepare for our first big snowstorm in almost 20 years, we loaded up on food and were quite prepared to channel The Pioneer Woman and This Oddball Grill Master and proceeded to stuff ourselves to the gills. So before I post the last of my snow pictures for a while (I promise), allow me to share my dining experiences over the past 4 days. Vegetarians, look away.

Pictured in no particular order: hot dogs (which we topped with chili & everything else), fried egg sandwiches, the best-ever grilled turkey burger, chili, beer, banana bread french toast (yup) and cinnamon-nut wheat french toast. Not pictured: Oreos, Mexican food, potato chips, black cherry juice, cake & ice cream, mucho coffee. Where are the vegetables you ask? Well, there were carrots and onions in the chili and a few in the Mexi-rice... At least we took two nice long walks - one to the grocery store (beer run!), and one to the Mexican restaurant.
I do believe it's time to eat a salad.


  1. I want to be at your house for the next snow storm. Please!! I think I just gained 5 lbs. looking at the photos. Midlife is a bitch. Vegetables are overrated.

  2. Mcmadam, I think I actually did gain 5 pounds this week! Pants are fitting a bit tight...

  3. am on diet!!!! u just create craving

  4. Yep, I want to come to your house...:) That’s the way it looks outside at my house too. Fortunately, I am within walking distance of my supermarket (a very good thing since I will not even attempt to drive when there is a snow flurry predicted) your pictures show you are a wonderful cook.
    Wishing you a wonderful and lovely, fun-filled, relaxing and peaceful weekend.

  5. Thank you for telling me about your blog. It is great! I so miss retrieving a beer from the snow bank. (or making ice cream out of snow for that matter...) come check out my blog if you ever get all of that meat eaten. :)

    Monica Nauert
    your cookbook purchaser

  6. Um, I seriously could have written this post! No kidding- this was almost exactly what we did during our snow-in here in Atlanta!

    Lovin' it, soul sista!



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