
IBM Design (Part 1)

Brochure illustration by The Office of Charles Eames and Eero Saarinen Associates (for IBM Pavilion for the 1964-1965 World's Fair in New York).


  1. Awesome. I would totally hang that on my wall. I love the colours.

  2. Marsi you are genius; you know I've never seen this print.

    I HAVE to thank you for you really kind words left on my blog. I must tell you they made my week. I feel the same about you. Wishing you good things for the rest of the week. I hope to always be able to make you at least chuckle a little. Be well!


  3. This is great! Plus it just reminded me that the Central Florida Fair will start in 2 weeks - FUN!

  4. Oh my goodness! This is sooo lovely! How I would love to travel back in time and attend that 1964/64 World's Fair! Hope you're well! Your blog is looking very lovely!

  5. Very fresh & colorful! Another example of how good design stands the test of time. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Um, yes, feels cheery and a bit carnival; gotta love that.

  7. I love how there's so much to look at! The colors + the different scrolls + different fonts... perfect.

  8. Marsi,

    I just saw (online) a midcentury modern house that I think you would love. Go to marinmodern.com and search on MLS#21105658 (7 Greenwood Ct., Tiburon, CA). It's very cool!

    I see you haven't blogged in awhile -- hope all is well.

    cheers, Beth

  9. Loved the post! Drop by to see our fabulous imported French Basketeer Giveaway. To quote Andrea plastic bags are “so passé!”


  10. Marsi I miss you and checking in to say hello and ask how you are? I was worried as my blogging has been random and few and here you have not posted for awhile either. Hope though you are well, just busy? Thinking of you kiddo and have a good weekend ahead.

    xx Deb

  11. Dear Marsi,
    miss you dear!
    are you coming back?

    Take care
    xo as always!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!