
Surviving (?) CCC Barracks

This morning I happened upon an image of one of six surviving CCC barracks in Valley Center, CA.  Built in 1933 as part of President FDR's plan to put people to work during the Great Depression, the barracks would house as many as 400 men while they worked on WPA projects in the area. 
CCC Civilian Conservation Corps camp barracks California

The most recent news that I've been able to find about the barracks (as of August 2011) is that the six buildings have not been given protection as national landmarks, and are threatened. One of the buyers interested in purchasing the land from the state was the school district, who suggested it would like to park buses there (presumably meaning that the buildings would be bulldozed and the land covered in asphalt). Cringe.

Does anyone out there have an update on the status of these buildings? If so, I'd love to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. You'd think, even if the land is sold, that someone would move the structures somewhere to be preserved. There were quite a few original frontier log cabins around Fort Worth, and rather than tear them down, they were all moved to one location and a historical village, complete with a working grist mill, was set up. Surely someone could do something similar with those buildings.


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