Although I've just returned from vacation, I can't help but daydream of having a little vacation home of my own to escape to. All that I need is a simple little place that I can read, cook up a pot of soup or a pancake breakfast, and snuggle in with Mr. Cottage Cheese (perhaps in front of a wood stove). Any of these tiny houses would do. The first five tiny homes are from the oh-so-cool
Tiny House Blog. House #1 is located in Laos. Ok, so maybe this is more of a tree house, but I'd still hang out here.

#2 Nova Scotia.

#3 Floating house somewhere in the Swedish Archipelago.

Floating house kitchen.

View from kitchen/dining of floating house.

#4 I can't remember the location of this collection of tiny houses, sorry. I think it's somewhere cold ;)

#5 Eco-friendly in Wales. Hobbit house?

The next two homes are from
Tiny Texas Houses. 99% of each house is salvaged materials. How cool is that?

Love this artist's studio.

Interior of the studio.

You can build these next three homes from plans by the
Tumbleweed Tiny House Company. Sorry, mountain view not included. #1 is the XS - House (67 square feet).

Tumbleweed #2 is The Loring (251 square feet).

Tumbleweed #3 is the New Vessica (278 or 372 square feet).

And last but not least, the
Wee House. I've been in love with the Wee House for years now.

Wee House kitchen/dining.

Happy Friday everyone! Have a great weekend!
oooh these are amazing!!! i LOVE the wee house! joannaxoxo
The floating house/boat is in Sweden. I remember reading about it in Sköna Hem, one of my favorite interior mags and can't forget about it. I would like one myself. I've been meaning to blog about it too :-)
We are on the same wavelength! I recently suggested to a friend that her husband (who built their saltbox) start a business building tiny houses. I sent her the link to Tiny Texas Houses, plus others. I think it's an idea whose time has come! Could be used as a vacation place or studio, but some folks do live in small houses year-round.
The tree house in Laos is definitely my favorite! What a fun escape that would be...
god, they're all so beautiful!
can't decide which is my favorite ...
i think everyone needs a vacation house.
wouldn't that be nice?!
glad to have you back - as a misses!
Aah, Jeeze Louise!..I need a Wee House!
mmmmmm that last one! I saw the first several and thought hmmm I enjoy a little elbow room and then your last picture pounced! as my grandma used to say, If I had that house and he had a feather, we'd both be tickled!
I love all of those teensy places. My family looked into getting one. I wanted a gypsy wagon. PS, thank you for your sweet sympathy, and I will pray for your cousin. Give the puppies a hug for me.
These are all pretty fantastic! I really love the little Swedish floating house -- the idea that you could wake up every morning and have a view like that is amazing! Though, I wouldn't turn my nose up at any of the other houses either!
I have never seen anything like this...absolutely quaint and perfect.
I have loved the Wee House for ages too! I think it would really amazing to have a Texas Tiny House of my own on a little plot of land in the Hill Country that we could escape to every weekend. ~sigh~
i've always wanted to live in a small house, actually. great photos!
wee houses rock! I've always wanted to go to Nova Scotia, that green house is so sweet and cute looking!
Tiny Texas Houses. Is that an oxymoron?
These houses are sweet.
67 square feet? That IS a wee house and so adorable in the setting!
This was incredibly fun! I love what the gansta bride commented..perfect! I would love to trade in my 4300 sq. ft. Texan house for the Wee House; that & the Swedish floating home are my kind of homes. Thanks for the visual journey & hope your vacation was lovely. Xxdeb
I love this post!!! These are exactly the types of houses I'm looking for for our weekend house. (I wrote about that house on the barge too!) I'm going to file some of the others away for future reference. :)
Wow, that's so cute! A blog devoted to tiny houses. I love the floating house, it reminds me of the little huts they have on the ocean in tahiti.
I want a Hobbit House! But only if it comes with a hobbit. Preferably furry.
The Hobbit House in Wales is my dream! After living in a 4050 sq. ft. house last year, I have new appreciation for living in a small space. While our new house is nowhere near as small as these, it feels so much more homey.
goodness, they look absolutely dreamy. I love the top one, the sound of water must be sooo soothing. I also think those hobbit houses in wales are darn cute! xoxo
Hello dear,
Wow, I had no idea that you got married just two weeks ago! Your wedding sounds absolutely dreamy-that's how I'd do it...have only immediate family and friends, really small. I like small groups better than big, I'm often intimidated by big groups, and plus small groups are much quainter!
Do you have any pictures or a video of your wedding, I'd love to see it, it sounds darling! If you do, comment back and I'll give you my blog email.
Thanks for the sweet comment (yet again) on my post. You always cheer up my day!...took me SUCH a long time to write that post, major writer's block today.
Take care,
oh, these are so cool!!! and i share the same dream. oh, it would be so nice to have or (OR ALL!) of these to snuggle up in. wah. I WISH!
oh wow, space savers for sure! the house in wales does look like a hobbit house, and is therefore, my favorite!
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