I kind of let it pass quietly, but last Sunday was my blog's one year anniversary! Let's eat some cake to celebrate.

I finally caved under the pressure from friends and family, and set up a Facebook page (even though I still think Facebook is a time-sucking demon, heh). I set up a fan page for the shop as well, where I will post shop sneak peaks, link to blog posts, etc. Just what you need, another thing someone is asking you to follow, right? It's in its early stages, but if you want to check it out, here is
The Cottage Cheese facebook page. (To lure you there, I've also loaded a few long-promised and never delivered casual snapshots of my wedding week on my personal page, which you can access through my fan page by clicking on me - Marsi - in the "friends" box).

Thanks to everyone for reading my blog, you guys rock!
No, You Rock.
woots. added ya and became a fan. :)
Happy ONE YEAR!! Your blog is great & it's definitely one of my daily reads - keep up the fabulous work!
Yay!!! Happy Anniversary to you ~~
happy one year anniversary! how exciting :-)
congrats. i would love a slice, thank you!
Happy One Year Anniversary! Those look yummy. Although I'm not allowed cakes :-( x
happy one yr blog
i found your blog through a post from pretty little world! it's such a wonderful blog- i love reading about homes and decorations. happy birthday, too!!! my birthday gift to you is one new follower- me! haha
happy one year!!! so glad we're bloggie friend and i can't wait to see what another year brings :)
Happy Blog-aversary!
This post makes me wish I'd actually celebrated my blog-aversaries. I guess there's always next year haha. Love the blog and the shop. X
Happy blog anniversary!! { belated }
and i hate facebook! with a passion! i deleted my account months ago, and it felt rad. but don't let me be a turd (LIKE I AM) and ruin it for you! i just had too many tools (including RELATIVES) bugging the hell out of me. no more!
Congrats, Marsi! So glad to have connected with you blogland! Now I am going to go check out your wedding pics. :]
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