Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Sorry this post is a little late, we were in a rush to get out on the road this morning, trying to beat the snow. Today I thought I'd share old pics of long-lasting couples from my own family. My parents are pictured below, they were in their early 20's. Weren't they adorable? They met on a blind date when my Dad was in the military, and have been together for 39 years.

My paternal grandparents "Fox" and "Y.B." My grandfather's hair turned gray at an early age, so he earned the nickname "Silver Fox" and my grandmother was his "Young Bride". Grandpa Fox and Grandma YB are still with us, about to turn 90 and 91.

My maternal grandparents, "Nonnie" and "Mindan". I've no idea where the nicknames came from, but they are unique. They had 8 kids, and according to my Mom, Nonnie used to say "Every time your Daddy walked through the front door I got pregnant."

I hope you are all having a fantastic Valentines Day, or un-Valentines Day. We just returned from a hike on the Cumberland Plateau and an early dinner out, soon to be followed by a game of Scrabble, some Olympics, and a horror movie (good for snuggling). Not most people's idea of an ideal Valentines Day, but for us it's just right. Although spending the day on a tropical island would probably have been even better...
awwww.....this was a great V-day post!!! Sounds like a sweet day, we are so low key about it too.
It's funny my Grammie says that everytime she hung her nightie on the bedpost, she was pregnant...hehehe...she i swear to god got pregnant 17 times, but she only had 13 of them..nuts! Those old Catholic PEI families, I tell ya..haha. My mom's parents had 11 children, and my dad's 13. I don't know how they did it...they both had farms and the kids were a big help. I don't know you would keep track of them all..hehehe.
Hope your valentines day was great!!! :D
What a splendid posting. Old family photos do celebrate the love we inherited. Happy Valentine's Day!
such a healthy V day, just becuase it's a V day doesnt mean we need to be lovey dovey right... you are lucky to still have your grandparents pics, i have none to reminisce
i love this post! i love how this is the first one that isnt oozing with commerical-ness and its beautiful!
These stories are positively the cutest!! And that's awesome that your grandparents are still around to spend time with -- so wonderful!!
I hope you had a lovely weekend!
wow you come from a long line of amazing couples. that's definitely something to be proud of!
These pictures are amazing.... I love looking through old photos. So many wonderful memories! And love how your grandpa got his nickname... and so, so cool that your parents met on a blind date!! Wow!
What a sweet family!!!
Have a super week ~~
xoxo Laura
Nonnie's comment is so adorable!
I simply love stories like this...heart warming indeed~
plus, the old photographs are always so special!
Looks like you come from a long line of good loving. It makes me smile.
What a beautiful family!
Oh Marsi - you've made my evening - these are just so wonderful!! I love the stories too - look at your ma and pa!! So cute and those photos of your grandparents are so special - they are absolute classics - what lovely fine looking people you come from!
...and I think that Valentine's Day sounds like my idea of heaven - hiking and eating and movie watching - fabulous!!
You clever girl sharing your family love stories was a great, sentimental idea. So much fun to see your family & they all look so terrific. I was the first one in our family as far as the eye could see that ever got divorced (not a good record to break). It is always amazing when you think of the unions that stand the test of time. How wonderful that your paternal grandparents are still with us, that is one long lasting marriage. Bravo to them and you all Marsi. xx
Thank you for sharing the lovely (pun unintended AND intended!) pics!
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